Truthfully, how much does your shooting cost per year ?

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spent £12,000 this year on shooting including my gun. whats worrying is that it's my first year of shooting!! eeeek.

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Never really thought about it but quick calculation about 7k not including travel costs or accomodation or brews or food just entry and cartridges. But whatever it is and has been its nowere near as much as the divorce from 1st mrs nutter 18 yrs ago, that is an expensive game. Also not as expensive as boat ownership.

For those who it may concern I would just like to add that HMRC investigators read forums such as this one. 

Never calculated it before just did roughly, and it's no wonder I'm broke, but mind you I would have spent it in the pub if not,clay shooting has really interfered with my drinking

Too much but as long as i´m having fun who cares.....just hope the wife does´nt start to take an interest in Shooting :fie:

Ive probably dropped 2K so far,   but that includes  - Gun ,Cabinet, licence, Vest, Cans, glasses, Bag, Slip, & carts

Next year will be the telling one   ;)


There's two of us every week and sometimes three with Amber mostly shooting 2 comps ESP per week, cartridges. Entry fees, petrol as we travel regularly quite far from home - then there's the Xmas hols which last year cost nearly £2k on its own as we found somewhere to shoot nearly every day, all day. I would estimate £15k maybe more as I do sometimes go on a Saturday or weekday to AC sporting as I did every week of the school summer holidays this year. I feel sick - it's ok it has passed. :)

I actually spend not a penny on my shooting, cartridges free thanks to good friends, clays paid for by Growl, (don't tell his wife).

I loaded for a Gentleman last week who paid £42,000 for the day for himself and 7 friends. He and his friends enjoyed the day but not half as much as I did.

Hmmm, I try not to think about it.  I try to imagine that I only spend £25 a week.

My first year shooting, bought a Silver Pigeon 1 £1300, Miroku MK70 £1400 and Blaser F3 Pro £5000

I've bought probably 25,000 shells £4500

70(ish) Competitions (registered/non-registered) ESK/SKD/NSSA/STR/ESP/FSP £2100

Oh and general playing, I guess double or treble the comps :/

Total : £toomuch but loved every moment

Feeling woo woo woozy now


Not enough:)

Oops misread thought thread was " how much do you spend"

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Don't count, so long as all the bills and the mortgage etc are paid for, before shooting. We all work hard for what we have, so in theory it's all surplus anyway!

For those who it may concern I would just like to add that HMRC investigators read forums such as this one.

If any are reading much can we get away with putting on vermin control?
Doesn't bother me I earn every penny.
What I spend it on has bugger all to do with the taxman.

4-5k tops unless going abroad to the states etc. hope to spend a bit more over coming year if I can find the time!
