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    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Cerakote.
      It's one way to invalidate your warranty I suppose :)
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to LeeM's post in the thread Midlands gunsmith required with Wow Wow.
      Thanks for the advice, I spoke to GMK, who advised to take it back to the retailer and get them to send it back to GMK. 1 week later...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Daz W's post in the thread How to get better? with Like Like.
      That's not necessarily a good thing. It can cause you to 2nd guess your plan of how to shoot the targets. It's a mistake I still...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      Fair enough, but if it is important you need to be happy with your purchase. You might find a gunsmiths with two or three in stock that...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread How to get better?.
      I did suffer with the plateau and I burned out and gave it up while my kids were growing up, using that as an excuse. I started again in...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread How to get better?.
      just get a lot of practise and try to put all the good advice into effect, it's taken me about 53 years so far and I'm not where I want...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to westley's post in the thread Winchester 101XTR Ejector timing with Like Like.
      Mine spent almost 38 years in the cabinet ! Took a guy to buy a gun in 1992, I advised him to buy this one. It came with 2 sets of...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Winchester 101XTR Ejector timing.
      No Westley, there didn't seem to be a simple solution so I'm still using it as is, the problem is not yet severe, lets say noticeable...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to k80ben's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Haha Haha.
      Maybe your bathroom light. As no one has ever heard of you apart from you on here (your last forum) asking about a book that’s only good...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Tech Admin's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Thread is locked. Please refrain from self advertising. If you would like to advertise, please contact me and I can get some...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      It's just blatant advertising based on the theory that any publicity is good publicity. Please let it end
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Chokes.
      No, they don't. I am on my second Beretta and the chokes on both worked loose after a few shots hence the use of grease. If you look...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Oxfordshire shooting school.
      • 1720706026748.png
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Chokes.
      Or any other grease
    • Martinj
      Yup, just ask to shoot birds only to avoid the £5.00 comp charge, your scores still count towards your classification and will show on...
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