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    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Bavarian's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      I just wanted to explain the origin of the down position. It is obvious that if you can save time you will have an advantage. At some...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      Yes but Competitive clay shooting has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with winning. If you can gain say 5%? more time to...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to k80ben's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      Fitasc and Olympic Skeet are gun down for one reason to make it harder. When the rules allow mounted so not make it harder voluntarily
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Bebo's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2025 with Like Like.
      E J Churchills for me last Thursday. Interesting set of targets, nothing at extreme range, but tricky none the less. I had one of my...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to k80ben's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      If u don’t shoot sporting and akeet gun up your at a massive disadvantage
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      I have no issue with gun down - the biggest advantage in Sporting is the ability to see and follow the target without the gun in the...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to donna's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      Gun up 99% of time for me unless it’s fitasc. I do like gun out of shoulder though if it’s a slow incomer or crow, it stops me rushing it!
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      as a sporting shooter I'll shoot gun up and in the hold position most of the time because you lose time getting the gun from the down...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Bebo's post in the thread Hard pull with Like Like.
      Interesting. I think the husbands gun is set bottom barrel first. I'll change it without telling him and see if there is any difference.
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Briley Chokes - any conversion info? with Like Like.
      Their idea of an improved modified is 5/8 not 3/4 - as a result Full is 7/8 and Extra Full 8/8 etc.
    • Martinj
      Presumably Full and extra full are American designations British descriptions are shown below and full choke has a 0.040" (or 1mm...
      • 1738529159295.png
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to donna's post in the thread First registered shoot with Like Like.
      I would start by telling the ref and/or people you’re shooting with that you are a beginner. You will find they will be a bit more...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to k80ben's post in the thread Remove front bead or not ? with Like Like.
      Seeing rhe bead or the barrel is imperative to modern day shooting
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to donna's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2025 with Like Like.
      EJChurchills for the compak this afternoon. It’s a discipline that’s growing on me even though I’ve only shot it a few times. I find I...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Remove front bead or not ?.
      My bead is a very important part of my sight picture (I shoot sporting.) I definitely use it on going away targets but I'm aware of it...
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