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      chippy replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      The gunshop at Doveridge had a huge selection of 694s when I shot the English this year.
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      chippy replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      That's absolute rubbish. If you never miss read a target you would be a multiple world champion. Everyone miss reads a target.
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      chippy replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      So are you saying you never miss though getting the lead wrong ie misreading the target?
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      chippy replied to the thread Cabinet inspection ?.
      When I first applied the FEO brought the certificates round and asked the see my cabinet. I said I haven't got one yet he said ok just...
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      chippy replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      Miss Reading the lead required. All this stuff about foot position hold points and pick up points won't help if you give a clay 3ft lead...
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      chippy replied to the thread Beretta SL2.
      Iam hoping to get really good at shooting, win several major championships and Beretta will sponsor me one for free.
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      chippy reacted to Iggy's post in the thread Beretta SL2 with Like Like.
      Tried sleeping on on SL2?
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      chippy replied to the thread How to get better?.
      Start at skeet, with fixed targets you will soon learn the basics of lead and when your hitting over 20 every time move on to sporting.
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      chippy replied to the thread Shoot reports and news 2024.
      Redricks today. A good round I really enjoyed it, most targets under a full spring so some good gaps needed. I hit 85.
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      chippy reacted to vmax1010's post in the thread Vests and Insurance with Like Like.
      I'll have to buy one, that'll double my score 😄
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      chippy replied to the thread Vests and Insurance.
      Apparently a Castellani vest is worth at least 3 targets a round.
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      Most of us on here cannot read.
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      chippy replied to the thread World English 2024 @ M & M.
      Apparently George blanked another stand but is still joint 1st brit shooter.
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      chippy replied to the thread Shoot reports and news 2024.
      Shot the express masters today. It wasn't the best round to use fixed 3/4 full trap gun but I enjoyed it. Shot the longer stuff well and...
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      chippy replied to the thread Shoot reports and news 2024.
      I shot it yesterday great conditions to shoot in. I enjoyed the round but I thought it was a little on the soft side for a championship...
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