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      Freddypip replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      Luke makes a good point - would the money spent driving around the country be better spent on getting the wood on the gun you have seen...
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      Freddypip reacted to Luke_(NL)'s post in the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood with Like Like.
      That's certainly decent if not better. With a lot of the Beretta stocks, there is a lot to gain from properly sealing the pores and...
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      Freddypip reacted to Bebo's post in the thread How to get better? with Like Like.
      I like taking driven targets out in front and couldn't see them early enough to hit them where I would want to. Ended up shooting them...
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      Freddypip replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      I would agree with shopping about personally if you are looking for a particular piece of wood; only you will know when you find it...
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      Freddypip reacted to Martinj's post in the thread How to get better? with Like Like.
      just get a lot of practise and try to put all the good advice into effect, it's taken me about 53 years so far and I'm not where I want...
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      Freddypip reacted to donna's post in the thread How to get better? with Like Like.
      The hardest thing to do is once youve hit a pair to do that exactly the same 4/5 times over. Once I’ve decided what method and hold...
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      Freddypip reacted to Tech Admin's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Thread is locked. Please refrain from self advertising. If you would like to advertise, please contact me and I can get some...
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      Freddypip replied to the thread Chokes.
      Mobil is just a name at the end of the day. Maybe they haven't changed the specs. Maybe they are exact (which I doubt) or maybe they...
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      Freddypip replied to the thread Chokes.
      Martin - Sounds like I was being way too optimistic !!! If they can't get it right then what hope has somebody else.
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      Freddypip reacted to Martinj's post in the thread Chokes with Like Like.
      No, they don't. I am on my second Beretta and the chokes on both worked loose after a few shots hence the use of grease. If you look...
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      Freddypip reacted to westley's post in the thread Chokes with Like Like.
      I do not think the make of the choke makes any significant difference to the way it performs. I have always used Briley chokes because I...
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      Freddypip replied to the thread Chokes.
      Westley - Agree with you there. It's interesting that Blaser went to Briley for their chokes for the F3/F16 and there's nothing...
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      Freddypip replied to the thread Chokes.
      I'm sure they can measure the thread - they might even know how to measure all of the info required to replicate it - pitch, root, crest...
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      Freddypip reacted to Martinj's post in the thread Chokes with Like Like.
      Or any other grease
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      Freddypip replied to the thread Chokes.
      Smear a lot of Rocol Sapphire grease on the thread. They stay where they are then. I suspect that aftermarket suppliers don't have the...
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