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    • W
      NO, I don't think they could afford the large amounts of toilet tissue that would be required when someone opened a gun to find...
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      The gun shops that I use have snap caps, if I ask for them, I get them. I use them to check both the triggers and the ejectors.
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      westley replied to the thread Guntrader.
      Although I have not bought or sold off Guntrader for some time, I have used it daily to watch a gun that I am thinking of buying. I do...
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      Have a look on faceache 'Just Chokes'. Find another 1/4 Beretta choke for sale. Job done.
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      westley replied to the thread How to get better?.
      I did reach the 'plateau ' ! Unfortunately I did not have a head for heights, got dizzy and fell off. I now just stick to the lower...
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      westley replied to the thread Winchester 101XTR Ejector timing.
      Mine spent almost 38 years in the cabinet ! Took a guy to buy a gun in 1992, I advised him to buy this one. It came with 2 sets of...
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      westley replied to the thread Winchester 101XTR Ejector timing.
      Was there a final outcome to this thread ? I am interested because I am currently using a Classic Doubles Trap gun for all of my...
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      westley replied to the thread Recoil problem.
      I have a 6lbs 3ozs Westley Richards S x S 12 bore, which was fitted by the makers in the mid 70's. Although I have never shot 1000 birds...
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      westley replied to the thread Chokes.
      The Briley flush chokes, like the Teague, or the Manufacturers own flush chokes are identical, apart from the name on the side. I use...
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      westley reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Chokes with Like Like.
      Westley - Agree with you there. It's interesting that Blaser went to Briley for their chokes for the F3/F16 and there's nothing...
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      westley replied to the thread Chokes.
      I do not think the make of the choke makes any significant difference to the way it performs. I have always used Briley chokes because I...
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      westley replied to the thread Chokes.
      The secret is buying a gunslip that is 'free standing'. Stick it in the gunrack, unzip, remove gun. The slip stays upright until you...
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      westley replied to the thread Chokes.
      I have enough to think about when I am shooting without having to faff around with my chokes too ! I stopped using Teague chokes years...
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      westley replied to the thread ClayMate on Solo.
      It's NOT elbows I'm looking's knees 😂
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      westley reacted to Yorkshire Clay Shooting's post in the thread ClayMate on Solo with Like Like.
      A place local ish to me (Sycamore Shooting Ground) have both hand and foot pedals I’m assuming for solo shooters. I find the task of...
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