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      westley replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      Simply whatever YOU need to do, within the rules, in order to hit the target.
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      westley reacted to Mark Edwards's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      The term "cheat mount" is utterly common in the 'states. It refers to a gun position, not a flouting of the rulebook.
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      westley reacted to Westward's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      Easy tiger... The term "cheat mount" is just semantics. I has nothing to do with cheating!
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      westley replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      Pass..........ask Westward above ? I believe it could be a form of 'stock out of shoulder, but not by yer knees ! type of hold...
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      westley replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      AND, therein is the is what works for YOU ! As I have aged (not mellowed), I am using a lot more 'gun up' stances...
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      westley reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      I have no issue with gun down - the biggest advantage in Sporting is the ability to see and follow the target without the gun in the...
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      westley replied to the thread Gun case or gun slip for storage.
      Apart from knowing about the damage that can incur, I shoot with 3 or 4 other OAP's. If we do a 100 birder it can involve quite a bit...
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      westley replied to the thread Gun case or gun slip for storage.
      One of the biggest things in successful clay shooting is 'Routine'. My Routine starts outside the shooting stand. I choose gunslips that...
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      westley replied to the thread Remove front bead or not ?.
      They are like a barbed wire fence for collecting sheep wool ! 😂
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      westley reacted to Bavarian's post in the thread Gilet? with Like Like.
      Pronounced like "gee-lay", not like "billet" :)
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      westley replied to the thread Gilet?.
      I can recall my Mother telling me "never go out without a clean gilet, you might get run over" !
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      westley replied to the thread Gilet?.
      NOT to be confused with the 'Scouse' word GIZZIT, which translates to "May I have that please ?
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      westley replied to the thread It's not a shotgun 'licence' ....
      And, no doubt some would argue over it too !
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      westley reacted to Jan Powell's post in the thread Repairing new shotgun with Like Like.
      Bluing barrels is a fairly straightforward albeit time consuming process. Preparation is everything and largely determines the quality...
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      westley replied to the thread Hard pull.
      I said that without movin me lips ! 😄 It is surprising just how much crud collects on the bottom barrel pin and it's housing. I use a...
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