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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2015
Hi All,

I went out shooting today to my local clay ground and I've found myself a bit disappointed with how things are going with my shooting performance. I shot 55/75 today which had been my highest score but I see people shooting 70+ on a regular basis at this ground. What can I do to get my numbers up to the point where I don't have bad stands and read the clays better? 

I normally do shoot with someone who used to shoot professionally and he gives me some advice and such on certain targets but feel I bit lost when he's not around, so if I'm missing the clays I try and change something but it doesn't always work.

I've been shooting for about 6-7 months now and going to various clay grounds twice a week to shoot different target but I'm getting stuck shooting 2/3 of the targets....just wondering if anyone had any advice on how I get a few more birds each round?

There is no way you should be disappointed with 2/3 after only shooting for such a short while. We all whant to do better simply beating yourself up in itself will not help your shooting I do'nt know what you try when things are not working but I would'nt get to hung up with different leads,I think better to try different hold points or shooting target earlier or later.

If you are missing targets after the first 2 or 3 pairs  getting over confident shooting the target much sooner could be a reason for missing in this way, also try to notice how the gun feels good gun movement I feel has a big part to play in shooting well. 

As Bugsey said, 55/75 is very good for someone so new to the sport. Unless you are an extremely talented newbie, do not expect to be shooting 70+ at that shooting, for some time.  What ground is this anyway/part of the world?

Your next plateau will be low 60's.

It isn't that shooting any of the targets is hard, but it takes practice and having the right mental approach, to straight the easier stands.  Only by not missing the easy ones, can you afford to miss a few harder ones, which is where your 70+ scores come into it.

Stick at it.  Routine, focus on each target at a time.

your expectations whilst commendable are somewhat ambitious. 55x75 is a very good score for one so inexperienced, you should be looking on your progress with positive not negative attitude. No offence intended just a reality check.

Perhaps by now you have mastered gun mounting and the time has come to seek the advice of a professional Coach, and I am NOT talking club level Coach. Even if you have to travel, it could well pay dividends. It would be money well spent and then the rest is down to YOU !

your expectations whilst commendable are somewhat ambitious. 55x75 is a very good score for one so inexperienced, you should be looking on your progress with positive not negative attitude. No offence intended just a reality check.
No offence taken I am happy with how I am doing I just want to get better and go to more grounds in the future without making a fool of myself. I live quite far away but would certainly like to go make a day/weekend of it and visit a few grounds down south like EJ Churchills.

The ground I was shooting at is Bardney Clays near Lincoln. Spot on place. I find sometimes when I have bad days I chop and change cartridges to find the best fit for my gun as it were. A lot of people advise me to use white golds because they can be "choked up"???? Not sure what that means. Appreciate all the advice I shall try and maintain a positive attitude even when I'm missing! 

re being positive when missing. I find misses can be beneficial (during practice) as long as you learn something from them. That is were the positive attitude comes into play. Turn a negative occurence into a positive thing.

No offence taken I am happy with how I am doing I just want to get better and go to more grounds in the future without making a fool of myself. I live quite far away but would certainly like to go make a day/weekend of it and visit a few grounds down south like EJ Churchills.

The ground I was shooting at is Bardney Clays near Lincoln. Spot on place. I find sometimes when I have bad days I chop and change cartridges to find the best fit for my gun as it were. A lot of people advise me to use white golds because they can be "choked up"???? Not sure what that means. Appreciate all the advice I shall try and maintain a positive attitude even when I'm missing! 
Whatever you do please get them to expand on this and report back, :lol:  as others have said you're on the road to great things with scores so good so early. B)  

Spread your wings a bit and get to s couple other grounds to broaden your horizons. Grimsthorpe and Orston won't be far away and will add another dimension to the club targets you are on at the moment.

it will improve your game and show you new areas to work on.

And re cartridges forget whatever rubbish they have filled your head with. Just pick one and stick with it!

Planning on going to Orston and Grimsthorpe toward the end of this month. Been to Grimsthorpe once before and it was a great ground. It was when I first started as a birthday treat but I really enjoyed the targets and the day in general. Good thing about shooters is they are all really friendly and happy to share experience. From what I've seen anyway?

If you want to meet up with me sometime I will go to another ground with you. I Only shot a 38 at Bardney the other day. I prefer the DTL as I only have a trap gun with fixed choke. I am thinking of going to sutton bridge for a couple of lessons with Aaron Heading. 

I am new to call shooting so think i should get some lessons before I get fixed into bad habits. 

I hear all sorts about cartridges but the way I see it is I'm not shooting for gold medals so cartridge selection is something I never think about. Im sure any cartridge out there few exceeds my skills set. As long as it goes bang its good enough for me. 

If you want to meet up with me sometime I will go to another ground with you. I Only shot a 38 at Bardney the other day. I prefer the DTL as I only have a trap gun with fixed choke. I am thinking of going to sutton bridge for a couple of lessons with Aaron Heading. 

I am new to call shooting so think i should get some lessons before I get fixed into bad habits. 

I hear all sorts about cartridges but the way I see it is I'm not shooting for gold medals so cartridge selection is something I never think about. Im sure any cartridge out there few exceeds my skills set. As long as it goes bang its good enough for me. 
Popped down to Bardney again today and managed to shoot 63/75.....missed a few silly ones. You been at all? 

Tried to just take each stand one at a time but found I dropped birds halfway through each stand, perhaps becoming complacent or losing focus?
