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      I’ve seen some using snap back caps 😉
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      SBL reacted to Paul120's post in the thread Guntrader with Like Like.
      The equipment searches still don't work which is annoying. I had been looking at beretta stocks but can no longer find them.
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      SBL replied to the thread Guntrader.
      Now that it’s working ok again, what do you find the issue is with it? I appreciate there’s an awful lot of posts with pictures missing...
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      SBL replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      I just looked on the Premier guns website and there’s a few that look pretty nice to me.
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      SBL replied to the thread How to get better?.
      And don’t do what I do. If I’m finding a target easy I often choose to break it in a different place to make it difficult. Then I get...
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      SBL replied to the thread How to get better?.
      Hi PeeJay Don’t worry about those easy misses, it happens. Because they’re usually easy you have an expectation and become “loose” in...
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      SBL replied to the thread orston sold under new management.
      I've only been once but thought it was a great place. 1 trap was not working, the lads were there in minutes and sorted it out.
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      SBL reacted to Martinj's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      It's just blatant advertising based on the theory that any publicity is good publicity. Please let it end
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      SBL reacted to Tech Admin's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Thread is locked. Please refrain from self advertising. If you would like to advertise, please contact me and I can get some...
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      SBL replied to the thread Wanted Leather Gunslip.
      They look nice and quite sensibly priced compared to many.
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      SBL reacted to Yorkshire Clay Shooting's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2024 with Like Like.
      First CPSA competition today 😬 obligatory breakfast on route though should steady the nerves 😟 anyone else shooting Blyton today
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      SBL reacted to Bebo's post in the thread Oxfordshire shooting school with Haha Haha.
      Feel free to say Hi if you see me before we go out. Dumpy late middle aged female shooter wearing a faded blue cap with a big H on the...
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      SBL reacted to FESkent's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Peter, why do you so often feel the need to poke and try to make fun of other people? It’s not helpful or constructive and then you...
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      SBL reacted to Luke_(NL)'s post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
      Pick a pretty colour. At this stage that will be just about as relevant as their alleged velocity and consistency. Take lessons to...
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      SBL reacted to Luke_(NL)'s post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Not sure as to who does what and why on Youtube, but speaking for myself I definitely follow a routine for each stand and each shot...
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