Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

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Attended the Barbury Belles’ Breast Cancer charity shoot on Saturday. I’m not one for ladies shoots usually but was persuaded by my pal Tash to go. It was a very enjoyable day with teams for the flush. Our team was Tash, myself, Tash’s partner’s daughter and one of Tash’s daughter and a lovely young lady called Stephanie. We had a lot of fun and ranged in ability from Tash down to her only shot a couple of times daughter. There was then a 50 bird Sporting which I was doing very well at until I got to the last two stands where I just messed up. It really didn’t matter as the day was a happy go lucky affair. They provided a good breakfast and canapé style lunch and for those thT enjoy drinking lots of bubbly. We also received a goody bag. There was a well stocked raffle. I bought loads of ticket and won a cap which I donated to a member of our group who won the novice class and it matched the gunslip and bag she won. Would go again.

Sunday went to Honesberie but had a banger of a headache which I couldn’t shift so retired half way round because I felt sick with it and just couldn’t enjoy shooting. Very muggy which wasn’t helpful.
Sunday went to Honesberie but had a banger of a headache which I couldn’t shift so retired half way round because I felt sick with it and just couldn’t enjoy shooting. Very muggy which wasn’t helpful.
Scores show you as 27/100, which is wrong. If you’re at all worried about the effect on your average, get that corrected to 27/40 or whatever..
Scores show you as 27/100, which is wrong. If you’re at all worried about the effect on your average, get that corrected to 27/40 or whatever..
Thank you Will. I’m not concerned, I have reached nirvana where scores and averages no longer matter.
Coleys today, Ive not been out to a reg since last one here, late pm squad, thankfully missed the rain that dampened the place somewhat, was / felt cold in places but thankfully we were mostly basked in pleasant autumn sunshine. Squad of chums, when going out not many scores showing and certainly none the high numbers that were shot. As a steerage class blagger I need all the help I can get and finding only 25 carts in the car a chum kindly gave / lent me 100, was bit nervy as they were 24gm 7.5s. Eyes went blurry on St3 so contacts out old prescription glasses on, rather decently I’d only dropped 3 clays by end St3, plodded around then had a few mares, four targets that were thrown “below” the stand, only 8/16 across these two, thereafter did manage a straight, just the one then there were a few more one away, Ive a low start point but felt that I’d shot relatively decently for I, ended above average which is / was welcome, getting back into the rather expensive clubhouse saw that quite a few had found the course to their liking, high gun a Samuel Ward on 99 and he had quite a posse very very close behind.
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Ventured back to Coley's yesterday (having put my last visit firmly into the trash folder). Bit of drizzle around midday but only for a few minutes. There were only 3 of us in the squad and I knew one of them so all good. My score was nothing to write home about given that it was mostly pretty steady. Some of the superstars seem to have found it easy and the stats agree. Consistency rather than epic skills were what was needed for most stands (not my strong point these days) but on stand 7 I wound the clock back and attacked the big orange crosser just like I used to 15 years ago. I managed to straight it too and it had tripped up a few AAs as well as both my squad mates. Also straighted stand 9 which caught out lots of people.

Three stands went pear shaped for the usual reasons but a very enjoyable day with lots of the locals out to touch base with.
Churchills yesterday for their regular monthly sporting. Enjoyed the course, I felt it was a little different from the recent shoots there - few low quartering targets and more stuff up in the air. Suited me as I like to shoot stuff like that where you've got time on it maintained lead and it's the one technique that I do well. Never found the 2nd bird on Stand 3 (most of the squad struggled with it) and missed some soft targets on Stands 5 and 7, but other than that I shot the rest pretty well and finished on an 83. Was nice to say hi to Donna, who was in the squad behind mine. Also amazing to watch the Ismet's shoot it with SxS's and still put in score that would have up near the top for the Reg comp.
Churchills yesterday for their regular monthly sporting. Enjoyed the course, I felt it was a little different from the recent shoots there - few low quartering targets and more stuff up in the air. Suited me as I like to shoot stuff like that where you've got time on it maintained lead and it's the one technique that I do well. Never found the 2nd bird on Stand 3 (most of the squad struggled with it) and missed some soft targets on Stands 5 and 7, but other than that I shot the rest pretty well and finished on an 83. Was nice to say hi to Donna, who was in the squad behind mine. Also amazing to watch the Ismet's shoot it with SxS's and still put in score that would have up near the top for the Reg comp.
Well done. I also never found the second on stand 3 and talking to others that hit it was just confusing. Definitely had some silly moments elsewhere too (last pair missed no reason etc) but finished dead on my average. A well pitched shoot, average score was 75.
Well done. I also never found the second on stand 3 and talking to others that hit it was just confusing. Definitely had some silly moments elsewhere too (last pair missed no reason etc) but finished dead on my average. A well pitched shoot, average score was 75.
Ceyla hit 3 from 4. She reckoned you needed to be well below it, but it didn't need huge lead. I tried all sorts of lead, but neve adjusted the line so reckon I was probably over it.
EJC for us and I enjoyed the shoot too, even shooting from the wooden stands I could see everything. Nobody on our squad hit 2nd target on 3 well either, most missed them all. I hit last one and took a bit of the top off so I would agree it needed to be shot well underneath it. Dropped a few here and there in the middle, my best friends husband passed away the day before and it played on my mind in the middle section etc but picked myself up and finished well.
Ended on an 80 which is better than I’ve shot there for a while. It just felt like a nice shoot with a nice bunch of people and a good squad in front of us (Bebos new puppies look beautiful) so was nice to have a chat and be grateful to just be out enjoying life.
well I straited stand 3 . . . smug?? no, not at all, I had just dropped nine on stand 2 and that had grabbed my attention somewhat! a post mortem decided I was over leading on stand 2 which should have been a lot easier than I made it, that was a truly horrible feeling. The second on stand 3 needed five feet as I saw it with a fairly deliberate (sustained) lead. I dropped all second birds on stand 8 and four on 10. I ended up on 80 but it could have been so much better (as always I suppose.)
Despite having messed up I enjoyed the course, I broke enough challenging targets to get that warm glow. I did the shoot with a couple of old friends and we enjoyed the weather and the facilities, spotted Donna across the tables as we were enjoying excellent walnut cake and coffees :)
well I straited stand 3 . . . smug?? no, not at all, I had just dropped nine on stand 2 and that had grabbed my attention somewhat! a post mortem decided I was over leading on stand 2 which should have been a lot easier than I made it, that was a truly horrible feeling. The second on stand 3 needed five feet as I saw it with a fairly deliberate (sustained) lead. I dropped all second birds on stand 8 and four on 10. I ended up on 80 but it could have been so much better (as always I suppose.)
Despite having messed up I enjoyed the course, I broke enough challenging targets to get that warm glow. I did the shoot with a couple of old friends and we enjoyed the weather and the facilities, spotted Donna across the tables as we were enjoying excellent walnut cake and coffees :)
Stand 2 I straighted, the overhead was variable and you had to make sure you were well under it when the wind pushed it down, driven didn't need much. I'd guess that you probably gave that second bird on 8 too much. It didn't need a huge lead and I was hitting it as much below as I was in front. Only missed the last one as I got the last pair yips and hung on too long. 10 I was straight on, first bird needed a little lead, second I just shot at it at the top with minimal gun movement coming up to it. Would have been very easy to go over the top if you'd started with a low hold point.
thanks for that, I know I wasn't getting under the No. 2 overhead bird which is odd as I can normally get to grips with them other than that over-leading seemed to be my main issue on the day
Well the unseasonable weather put pay to the plan to stay local and slow down for the rest of the year, 3 hours each way to Westfield, a new ground to us and what a stunning part of the country it is. The land topography and space available enables a great variety of targets, no eyesight tests, nothing in the sun and very enjoyable. It was much quieter than we expected, being a selection shoot there was a very high percentage of AAA/AA shooters present which I think inflated the shoot average to 81, It felt like a 76 difficulty to normal run of the mill shooters. All round very enjoyable and we will return at some point, if you live local then you really should make use of this facility, was sorely tempted by the numerous charming public houses and hotels in the local area on the drive back.
Did RedRicks today. Nice course. Fiddly in places and only stand 10 with some good long targets. (Only dropped 1 there). Had a ridiculous moment on stand 11 missing 3 crossers way in front. I really have to sort this nonsense. Did same yesterday. Decent score but robbed myself of glory yet again.
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Redricks for me as well, with a pretty inconsistent performance. Four out of the first six stands I managed to miss a target on the first pair and hit the rest - mainly by trying to take them a bit too quickly. Even slowing myself down a bit on the sim pair on stand 4 I managed to hit one of the teal / crow things on the way up as the second bird. Then overcompensated on the second half of the course and started to be a bit too cautious on some of the targets. My in front crosser misses came on Stand 2 - reined it in on the 3rd pair - rather than Stand 11, which I managed to straight.
Cefn Tilla today for their monthly super sporting, yet another great course set by Bob Clark, plenty of variety for everyone,from extremely long crossing midi’s to close deceptive standards
High gun when I left was Sean ponting on 95
Barrow for me. I thought I wasn't shooting too badly at the moment, but I found it a brutal course today. There were half a dozen silly misses on my card, the rest I was just beaten by the targets.
Barrow for me. I thought I wasn't shooting too badly at the moment, but I found it a brutal course today. There were half a dozen silly misses on my card, the rest I was just beaten by the targets.
Good to see you today. I missed four on the first stand! Then did well until I got to stand 8 where I got a glorious 2/8. Really couldn’t get on with that stand. Then shot the rest fairly well. I felt very confident on the big ones today, the best I’ve felt in a good while. Considering I didn’t want to go out today I was glad I did, fresh air did me good. Just wish whatever lurgy I’ve got with move on.

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