I got a message today from one of the other guys who was at MR the same time as me. His stock and forend was sent from Portugal yesterday via UPS, and was delivered to him this morning. No accompanying import duty or VAT bill.
So now the question you've got to ask yourself is how are you going to get it done?
1) Getting your measurements done here, and sending them out. Or their "One click gunstock". Pros: Cheapest option as there's no travel or hotel costs. Fully oiled or lacquered woodwork received via courier. Cons: Wood choice is done via photos. How good is the wood to metal fit going to be as they've never had your gun? No options for minor tweaks to the stock during the manufacturing phase. Possibility of getting picked up for import duty & VAT.
2) Travelling to Porto for 3 days and having the woodwork couriered back. Measurements carried out by MR or a third party. Pros: Get to choose the wood in person. Wood to metal fit will be spot on. Fully oiled or lacquered woodwork received via courier. You've actually tried the stock on your gun, and had minor tweaks to the fit. Cons: Additional cost of flights and 3 days accommodation. Possibility of getting picked up for import duty & VAT.
3) Travelling to Porto for 5 days and bring the woodwork back with you on the gun. Measurements carried out by MR or a third party. Pros: Get to choose the wood in person. Wood to metal fit will be spot on. You've actually tried the stock on your gun, and had minor tweaks to the fit. Customs might not realise that the gun has new woodwork, unless you decide to declare it.

Cons: Additional cost of flights and min 4 days accommodation. Oil finish will require completion at home or by a third party.
IMO option 2 sounds good, if you don't get clobbered by customs. Option 1, while being the cheapest, might leave you with some minor issues. The MR One Click Stock video on TGS gave a really good run through on that. You're spending probably £2K on a gunstock and forend, are you going to be happy with one that's 95% perfect? Option 3 while technically being the most expensive, could work out cheaper if you've got a decent poker face going through customs. Also if you want a particular type of oil finish, then you have a choice of great gunsmiths here.