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    • wynno
      wynno replied to the thread Blaser Cup 2024.
      You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. How...
    • wynno
      wynno replied to the thread Shoot reports and news 2024.
      Considering it was the first time you shot it in anger, you didn’t do too badly. considering my layout was the hardest, you shot it...
    • wynno
      wynno reacted to donna's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2024 with Like Like.
      Barbury for us too and thoroughly enjoyed it, even though I struggled seeing some targets in the grouse butts. Ended up with an 80...
    • wynno
      wynno replied to the thread Shoot reports and news 2024.
      Barbury yesterday for their supersporting, a well thought out course with some tricky sim pairs, stand 10 ,the skeet stand caught me...
    • wynno
      wynno replied to the thread Shoot reports and news 2024.
      Coleys as well for me, quick chat with Phil and Donna on stand one. I thought the course was pitched perfectly, some long range stuff...
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