Are you safe?

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Hmmmm... Whilst I agree completely that you put the gun away without shells in it, conversely, your immediate shooting party might know that the gun's not loaded as you draw it from the slip, but no other shooter passing your stand as you do so does - all they see is an unbroken gun... and they've no idea whether it's loaded or not. It's also good discipline and etiquette to have your gun broken immediately after you've shot, and all the way from the stand to placing it in its slip, surely?
Yes you do, I know that those around me will not put their guns inside the case with bleeding shells in them. In clay circles in any case that is the absolute norm, nobody does otherwise and I would put my house on it. Yes it is possible that once in a purple/blue moon an arsehole will pull a gun from the slip with shells in it but I ain't him and won't be poncing around doing it just to please others being anal. I don't even use a slip to be honest but when someone is pulling their gun from theirs I don't stare and see they break it first. 

I have seen very unsafe gun handling in my time but invariably from old hands with a gun but no clue or absolute newbies who are soon put right on the correct procedures. But in all fairness I have to say that the behaviour and safety of 99.99% of people I come across clay shooting is exemplary, you're all obviously very unlucky. Just another opportunity for people calling others arsehole when in reality they're the biggest one out there :nono:

I must be an arsehole then !!

We're always in the sh*t it's just the depth that differs!
Don't worry Ian, the world is full of prats who hurt insults at the first opportunity, not enough brain power to argue the point using reason.

I'm new to clays, but before I got my licence and started shooting I did a lot of research on the web, including using this forum, about safety procedures and etiquette. The information is out there and when I did my first practice shoot yesterday morning, I felt like I knew what to do regarding safety. I always break the gun while removing from the slip and carry broken and empty.

Even beginners have little reason for poor safety procedure, all you need is a sense of responsibility and access to the Internet.

Chill pill needed.

For the record people, it has happened several times in 'clay shooting circles' (sounds posh think it means clubs / competitions).

In my time I have seen unloaded guns shoot holes in cars and in clubhouses (which is why lots of clubs do not allow guns in the cafe areas)

Why and how you may say.........well just look at the thread that talks about snap caps.

People have loaded live shells thinking they were snap caps. Loads of examples in the past.......but do not expect me to name and is a lesson that they learned very quickly.

So newbies.....break your is the only way that those around you know you are safe.

It is also a courtesy for others in the vicinity who do not know you.

Simples :smile:

I must be an arsehole then !!

We're always in the sh*t it's just the depth that differs!

Don't worry Ian, the world is full of prats who hurt insults at the first opportunity, not enough brain power to argue the point using reason.
I've said it before Hamster, keyboard warriors, wouldn't say it to your face though, and can't read into things, my gun is actually broken as soon as its out of the slip, I don't walk around with a closed gun, not that daft !!!

We're always in the sh*t it's just the depth that differs!

I'm new to clays, but before I got my licence and started shooting I did a lot of research on the web, including using this forum, about safety procedures and etiquette. The information is out there and when I did my first practice shoot yesterday morning, I felt like I knew what to do regarding safety. I always break the gun while removing from the slip and carry broken and empty.

Even beginners have little reason for poor safety procedure, all you need is a sense of responsibility and access to the Internet.
Well done AndyH. Carry on doing the right thing and you will stay safer.

I've said it before Hamster, keyboard warriors, wouldn't say it to your face though, and can't read into things, my gun is actually broken as soon as its out of the slip, I don't walk around with a closed gun, not that daft !!!

We're always in the sh*t it's just the depth that differs!
I have no quams about saying anything to anyones face... :D

I've said it before Hamster, keyboard warriors, wouldn't say it to your face though, and can't read into things, my gun is actually broken as soon as its out of the slip, I don't walk around with a closed gun, not that daft !!!

We're always in the sh*t it's just the depth that differs!
Calm down boys.....(H&I)

I cannot see what you are complaining about, no one has been a keyboard warrior that I can see after looking back over the posts.....only plenty of people giving their opinion. I think most would say it to your face if they actually knew who you were. I certainly would have no problem saying anything to your faces at any time.....but you would have to come and let me know who you are first :smile: .

But I do think that there is......

No need to be stroppy on a safety thread.......where.....

Nothing is over the top on a safety thread.......and......

Just because you and old hamster do not break your guns (your choice).

I cannot for one minute think that you would advise new shooters to do same as you, when they have already been taught a very safe way of taking a gun out of the case 'broken'.

That would just be tooooooo silly for words in my honest opinion. :smile:

Have a nice day people.....lets get out and go shooting instead of talking about it....!

Tell you what.....lets run an experiment......all have a go at all the above different ways of removing your gun and putting it back in the sleeve......and report back later in the day.....which way we prefer for ....

1. Ease of access

2. Safety as perceived by those in the near vicinity

3. Style.......don't for get the style points.

So go and have a great day and shoot straight.


Might be a market opportunity here ;   Gunslip's for broken gun's   :)

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That sounds like a threat to me.

Not good Ian.....when connected with guns.....and on a safety thread.

Wish I had a dislike button.

Nothing to do with you Nicola !

Ive been called an arsehole for the 2 seconds it takes to get a gun from a slip and break it?

Outrageous !

Just noticed the advert for the Hamilton slipstand, please look at it . . . 'nuff said

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Nothing to do with you Nicola !

Ive been called an arsehole for the 2 seconds it takes to get a gun from a slip and break it?

Outrageous !
I read the thread and am free to make a comment.

You are being silly.

It is Sunday....go shooting.....and take your gun out of its case how ever you want to....but please don't advise newbies to do the same. Lets try to keep them safe.

I take it your quite intelligent, read the post again and again and again if need be, it reads 'what i do' at no point did it say 'you should do ' so don't say i implied something i didn't !!!

I must be an arsehole then !!

We're always in the sh*t it's just the depth that differs!
I believe you suggested to us all that you were an arse. No one else accused you.

As I do not know you I am afraid I cannot confirm one way or the other.

Off shooting now. Have a lovely Sunday peeps.

hahhaaaaaaahhhahahahahahahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhahhahahahahahhahahahahahhh, this has turned into such a funny thread :D


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