Petion against EU firearms law change

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If there was a vote for I would add my name. There is no place for semi automatic firearms of any sort in the sporting world. Believe it or not I know game keepers who have and did use seven shot 12g autos that were licensed to them to shot foxes and other vermin ... on pheasant shoots... nothing to see here you would say if there were only two in the mag! I have will have no truck with any semi auto or that type of need... but I agree on each to their own.

So you would vote against the owners of semi-auto shotguns, rifles and pistols?

I have and will continue to shoot clays with my high capacity semi (limited to 2 cartridges) at registered clay shoots as and when the fancy takes me. Why because I can. I also compete at practical/target shotgun events where the semi is needed.

As touched on by Robert, there are thousands of shooters who use semi auto firearms for target disciplines, shotguns, rifles and LBP's

You would also be selling out people who chose to shoot semi's because it helps them with a medical condition or disability?

I am a big advocate of steel shot but would never go against any fellow shooter by agreeing to ban lead. I don't agree or have ever participated in game shooting but would never vote to oppose it. Uneducated views like yours are what is going to divide the shooting community. Once the bureaucrats have taken an inch they will then go for the mile. One day our right to own and use o/u's will be in question and where will be the other shooters to helps us keep them.......gone, because the uneducated clay / game shooters who felt they weren't affected last time round never stuck up for them when it mattered.

We as shooters are a minority and should be banding together, whatever the cause.

Calm down everybody is entitled to their own opinion and I respect your opinion... it does not change my opinion but I do respect it.
heard your opinions before and you did not respect others then yours are ,biased,unbalanced tripe and i have no respect for them!

BASC response 


BASC Head Office, Marford Mill, Rossett, Wrexham, LL12 0HL
Tel: 01244 573 030  |  emailmailto:[email protected]


Q&A on proposals to amend
the EU Firearms Directive

[SIZE=11pt]Following recent terrorist atrocities the European Commission has published a set of proposed changes to the EU Firearms Directive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The proposals include :[/SIZE]

• [SIZE=11pt]Introduction of a five-year ceiling to certificate life[/SIZE]

• [SIZE=11pt]Introduction of a standard medical test for applicants[/SIZE]

• [SIZE=11pt]Bringing collectors and sound moderators within the scope of the directive.

For a full outline of the proposed changes and how they might affect UK legislation see our Question and Answer page on the BASC website here:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The proposals are currently subject to process and scrutiny. BASC has already identified discrepancies and contradictions in the proposals and has called for a separate legal instrument, rather than the Firearms Directive, to address the issue of illegal use of firearms.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Whatever the mechanism, BASC believes that an impact assessment will help policymakers agree actions which are outcome based and which avoid unintended consequences which harm legitimate firearms users. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]We will work tirelessly with policy makers to ensure that bad laws are not imposed on shooting and law-abiding citizens.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]To that end BASC is engaging with the following organisations:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]•The Home Office
•The Department of Justice (Northern Ireland)
•The Federation of European hunting associations – FACE – which is in direct contact with the Commission.
•Sister organisations including the British Shooting Sports Council (BSSC)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]: [/SIZE]




250 000 signatories. lots of contact with 'politicians' ( my read .... people with no previous experience trying to justify their positions by passing bad legislation on populist subjects they have little, or less, knowledge about )

Only starts about half way through

Interesting point at around 1:30

3rd aspect of proposal. Use of internet. Prohibition of aquisition of firearms by private persons via the internet. A broker must be involved. Which will mean paying a dealer to at least witness the transfer of a weapon from person A to person B.

No matter how anyone feels about semi autos, there's a lot to more to this bill than just that. For one thing the planned ban on private sales would have an enormous effect on shooters all over Europe. People in the UK who had their firearms deactivated back when the pistol and full bore semi auto ban came into place, would find that even what are now essentially paperweights would also be illegal and subject to confiscation. Even airsofters are being targeted by this bill. 

If this nonsense does go through, it'll be a major step down a very slippery slope indeed. 

I'm sure there must have been a reaction. After all they are the body which to many thousands of us belong, they are the outfit that take our money, and to whom we look should our sport be in any way threatened.

Our sport necessarily involves shotguns, and they could be seen to be under threat.

Ergo our organisation (the CPSA) must have reacted, informed its members what's going on, held talks with, for example, BASC,  in order to ensure the promulgation of the same facts to its members, and started to respond by ensuring its members know all about the petition, know what's being done for them, know what PR initatives are being launched, which MPs are being lobbied, and what press releases have been issued.

This must all be going on somewhere, together with links being forged with sister organisations across Europe, campaigns are most probably being planned, funds set aside, officers appointed to head up working groups, and the like. It must be going on because they are the organisation to which we look in times of trouble aren't they?

As I'm generally a bit slow I must have missed it all. I was hoping someone could point me in its general direction...

I'm happy that I have a choice to CARRY either a .45AUTO or a .40 sig AUTOor my 380 AUTO in the Summer months!

Why in the summer months?
It's only dangerous to be out and about in the summer, the baddies hibernate in the winter obviously! :)

Alternatively, in the winter there is NO choice, you have to carry as the bears are out and about! :)

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Laugh as you will, But I can defend myself! And I don't have to WAIT for the Bobbies!!

I shoot sporting!

Laugh as you will, But I can defend myself! And I don't have to WAIT for the Bobbies!!

I shoot sporting!
Unplugged, there are many here (in the UK) that are envious of your freedoms and would like to have the choice whether to live or die in certain situations.

Unfortunately, our Politicians have taken away the rights of the law abiding citizen and given all the rights to the criminals.

Good choice to shoot Sporting too! :smile:

The CPSA is ignoring anyone who broaches the subject via email and even on the telephone.

Disgusting, in not supporting their members who shoot semi-auto shotguns due to disability or out of choice. Plus a lot of those members may own semi-auto firearms of other descriptions for other sporting purposes.

They have a large membership and should be publicising the fact that this WILL affect clay shooters too! 

Unplugged, there are many here (in the UK) that are envious of your freedoms and would like to have the choice whether to live or die in certain situations.

Unfortunately, our Politicians have taken away the rights of the law abiding citizen and given all the rights to the criminals.

Good choice to shoot Sporting too! :smile:
Ian, I lived and worked in Luxembourg for four years (1 1/2 of which I worked on a Jaguar project. So I visited Coventry frequently. )

I have since repatriated to the USA but maintain and have many friends in many parts of Europe. I also felt so safe in any large city I traveled, in my years there!

But reading the news and emails from friends in both England and France, i am sad for the way things are going there! You have my utmost support and sincere sympathy

for what your Politicians have done. We are doing are best too insure it doesn't happen here! I still read both English and German papers on line! I am truly appalled how your news is now as "skewed" as ours! As I remember how much more HONEST the news was when I was there. (yes, it's been a while!)

However many of the "news" stories you have there are not reflective of how "normal/average" Americans are viewing events! Our Politician are also at an all time low (both parties) but anyone that owns firearms (at that is a VAST majority of the population! And not "hollywood" types) are not in favor of Gun control!

The events like Calif. and Chicago, are happening in cities that ALREADY have the MOST severe gun control in America! Chicago has an out right ban on Handguns! Yet criminals have them!! Not because they are easy to get "else where" as the news forecasts, but because   Authorities refuse to stop and arrest the folks that have them!

Taking guns from intercity youth, does not fit their (Obama's) vision of the problem!! Chicago is after all his "home town." These are the "gun free" zones! where gun free simply means "innocent law abiding" folks are unarmed, and the criminals know they are easy victims! !

And when "they" report how many "black youth" and gun deaths occur in the USA , it is conveniently left out that THOSE "deaths" include criminals, killed in the act of violence! In other word, they are (those cited as "death by police" were in fact not victims but perpetrators of crime)  

 Both of the terrorists killed by police in California are now also included in the "GUN DEATHS" BY POLICE! count.


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