Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      I just wanted to explain the origin of the down position. It is obvious that if you can save time you will have an advantage. At some...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      Skeet and the sporting disciplines are meant to be a training for hunting back then. And on hunting your natural position is gun down as...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread B25...
      Original B25 made in Belgium? Great gun! Enjoy!
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread 2 3/4” Chamber.
      Maybe the latest ones. But the dedicated trap and skeet DTs had always 2 3/4" chambers. The sporting models do have a 3" Chamber since...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread New Blaser Clay Gun.
      Zoli offers that, too. But to be honest: How often did one change it´s trigger group on a DT or MX.
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian reacted to TerryTibbs's post in the thread New Blaser Clay Gun with Like Like.
      Looks nice, shot an F3 at Orston and wasnt overly enamoured. Seems a lot of money for a plain action and non adjustable stock.
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread New Blaser Clay Gun.
      I smiled at the "corrosion resistance" part of the interview. Blaser R8 is one of the quickest rusting guns out there. Maybe different...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Gilet?.
      Pronounced like "gee-lay", not like "billet" :)
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Gilet?.
      Gilet is the french word for vest.
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread What’s up with the high rib?.
      Years ago some really high ribs could be seen on trap guns. But the trend is over now. On sporting i hardly see any high ribs around...
    • Bavarian
      Oh... ok. Perhaps WERA? Also good quality.
    • Bavarian
      PB Swiss for me. Also the punches. Some screws will have a big head but a small slit. For that you have to grind a wide bit to the right...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Lead to Steel Choke Conversion.
      Never heard of that. The other way round to use one size bigger for game shooting is what i know.
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Passive or Active Ear Defenders.
      I´m wearing 3M Peltors now for about 8 years and they work just fine. Good sound quality, adjustable volume. I once changed the foam...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Beretta 688.
      Available in Germany and Austria so UK should be the same.
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