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    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      I once purchased a stock for my 692 directly from the Beretta online shop and could choose from 3 different types of wood. They wrote...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      So this thread should be just another advertisement for your books?
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      But the visualized lead is a very subjective impression. Mathematically the needed lead on a skeet field is the same at every station...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian reacted to Luke_(NL)'s post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
      Pick a pretty colour. At this stage that will be just about as relevant as their alleged velocity and consistency. Take lessons to...
    • Bavarian
      Ugo Sabatti is a good adress. Lots of experience. Located in Marcheno near Brescia/ Italy. Lots of...
    • Bavarian
      Unfortunately I am too far away. Otherwise i would buy it instantly for that price. Beretta 682 for £400, will not find that in Germany...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      This is 100% correct. The correct line is also crucial.
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      Mental strength is also a important point. Forget one mistake, don't get angry, focus on the next target. Losing always some birds...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      Common mistake. Think about the second target before shooting the first. Leads to two misses very often. How do I know....
    • Bavarian
      Old MX8 Trap without chokes, perhaps...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread 32gm 5's.
      Shot the B&P Classic 32g 5 and 6, very pleasant to shoot.
    • Bavarian
      Here is a review of the gun by TGS-Outdoors: Maybe they will be successful when starting the same marketing like Guerini?
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian reacted to SBL's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Pete, I don’t think anyone disagrees with you as such but lead alone does not give the final answer. As well you know, observed lead is...
    • Bavarian
      Bavarian replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      Speed, angle, distance. Then to make a decision. How much gun speed? Shoot it early or late? Swing through, pull away? Or follow the...
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