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    • perazman
      perazman replied to the thread Blaser Cup 2024.
      I thoroughly enjoy the "it's too easy brigade" who have somehow managed to still drop 7 or 8! Do you know any of the elite who boycott...
    • perazman
      perazman replied to the thread Blaser Cup 2024.
      If you mean could I set targets that don't fly into the sun and don't blow out of range if wind effected then yeah I could. It's not...
    • perazman
      perazman replied to the thread Blaser Cup 2024.
      People can call out others as moaners but in my eyes that's just poorly set targets. The elements can and always will be a factor but...
    • perazman
      perazman replied to the thread Blaser Cup 2024.
      I think the folk at Orston must be smiling. I shot the last two Blasers there and it ran like clockwork. The social media presence...
    • perazman
      perazman replied to the thread Blaser Cup 2024.
      Each to their own I guess. I'd look at it as imagine shooting the harder layout first without knowing what the second layout looks like...
    • perazman
      perazman replied to the thread Blaser Cup 2024.
      I wasn't there so can't comment but a few friends who were there on the friday said it was badly wind effected to the point where...
    • perazman
      Anyone shot the Blaser Cup this year and if so, which day? Hearing lots of stories and none of them good!
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