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    • F
      FESkent reacted to Tech Admin's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Thread is locked. Please refrain from self advertising. If you would like to advertise, please contact me and I can get some...
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      FESkent reacted to Jan Powell's post in the thread Elephant in the room with Like Like.
      Clay shooting as a sport is slowly dying. This isn't necessarily as a result of government action or inaction. The sport is caught in a...
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      FESkent reacted to lh8611's post in the thread Elephant in the room with Like Like.
      I believe that the new government have proposed a full cost implementation/recovery of licensing fees. This is with a view to ring...
    • F
      FESkent replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      Peter, why do you so often feel the need to poke and try to make fun of other people? It’s not helpful or constructive and then you...
    • F
      FESkent replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      if it’s not about selling your book then why not just put it online for all to read for free? As Tonino Blasi, former head coach of the...
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      FESkent reacted to Luke_(NL)'s post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Not sure as to who does what and why on Youtube, but speaking for myself I definitely follow a routine for each stand and each shot...
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      FESkent replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      please let’s get back on topic. Ben, Peter just accept different techniques are available and different coaches will teach different...
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      FESkent reacted to Daz W's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Swing through is hardly new. Game shooters have been doing it since day 1. You can't always shoot maintained or pull away if you don't...
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      FESkent reacted to SBL's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      100% of the time when i shoot in the wrong place, I miss. If i hit the first 4 and miss the 5th, it’s still because i shot in the wrong...
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      FESkent reacted to westley's post in the thread 32gm 5's with Like Like.
      If you have to resort to doing this, maybe start to shoot birds that are more than within your capability ! Do you really believe that...
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      FESkent reacted to Bavarian's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      Common mistake. Think about the second target before shooting the first. Leads to two misses very often. How do I know....
    • F
      FESkent replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      i know i rush or panic on some simultaneous pairs depending on how they are presented, especially the first pair.
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      FESkent reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      With respect Jonz, that’s not the reason that’s a definition and it’s taken 7 pages to realize we weren't going to get past that. There...
    • F
      FESkent reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
      You opened this thread by asking the reasons we miss targets. Those that have replied have provided a (big) list of their reasons. You...
    • F
      FESkent replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
      it probably does not, but George Digweed commented apparently that it does, but given the mind game in shooting if it works for George...
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