Hitting clays that are below you, struggling.

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Well-known member
May 3, 2012
HI all,

Going to hornet's at the weekend, every time I have been,there's a stand where you shoot from a scaffold tower at a sim pair crossing from right to left, the clays being lower than the shooting position.

Have always struggled with this stand.

Possibly a stupid question, but, shooting down, do you have to "aim" high or lower than usual or is it just down to me not getting the lead right?

Cheer's Nick.

I had the same issue at a different set of grounds. Coach said I was getting the setup wrong and got me hitting them all.

Clays below the stand, Liz? I thought you were a dedicated skeet shooter these days?
OP, in my experience it was a lead issue, needed less than I expected.

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Without seeing you? Nobody can tell. However, a common problem for some is lifting their face off the stock when shooting down. Partly you can be drawn to do this because the vision is restricted and also because the stock is leaning away from the cheek if you stand normally. You might want to make sure your face is firmly on. Perhaps lean forward a bit to keep your upper body in tune with a downward pointing gun.

I used to struggle with these too (still do being human), but the best advice I was given was to make sure you bend forward at the waist...I was standing mostly upright and largely pointing the gun down from the shoulder.

Maybe a bit of experimentation needed, but as for lead etc I'd just treat them as normal crossers.

Do not just start with the weight forward remember to KEEP it forward after the target appears. Some shooters, especially on rabbit targets, start with the weight forward but then allow the weight to transfer, which causes a miss over the top.

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:cry:  If you don't stand right you will find your gun will not travel in the same line as the target, it will actualy curve.
