Guntrader data leak

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Well-known member
May 5, 2012
South West
Reports of hackers have stolen data from Guntrader, data including names and addresses and email address of registered users. Advice is change password on any application that uses same as guntrader.


That’s reassuring… I’m sure no one is interested in the residential addresses of people selling firearms identified by make, type, calibre and what not.. 😥 

I have asked them to close my account as could not work out how to change the password....😒

That’s reassuring… I’m sure no one is interested in the residential addresses of people selling firearms identified by make, type, calibre and what not.. 😥 
I just saw a thing on youtube reporting on how "anti's" have overlayed the stolen data of users on Google maps document, which was then circulated, urging sympathisers of anti-hunt and anti-firearms collectives to go out and "question" suspected gun owners in their neighbourhoods about their pastimes.

While I realise the data was out there already for miscreants to peruse already, this certainly makes life even easier for people with very bad intentions. I don't have time to list all the expletives that come to mind, but they are very very many. 

Have a look, and try not to lose too much sleep. This sort of thing really gets under my skin. 

if you are concerned that your data is included put your email data into the site and it will list all the known breaches of your private details.

Google has taken down the site and I believe the Police are involved but the hunt sab site is hosted in Iceland so they are hiding behind that.

I'm all for freedom but this business of offshore not being accountable is getting to be a laugh.

Perhaps then it's time to go after openreach for supplying the means to pipe this data in to the country or the broadband service providers. It's not right that everyone puts their hands up and says 'we only provide the wire', 'we only offer the service' or 'we are publishers not editors'. About time we implemented some 'joint enterprise' laws. If you are associated with this type of crap you should get to be culpable!

So your asking for accountability for data leaks, but put a link up to a site to see if you've been hacked. A site that asks for your email address but has no privacy policy of that I can see 🤣

email from Guntrader.


Notice to guntrader users
Dear *******,

The ICO has recently contacted us in relation to media reports, which you may have seen, where an individual or individuals criminally used the stolen data to plot location data into a mapping system. An animal rights’ activist website published the map and recommended people commit criminal offences by obtaining a copy of this additional data set and contacting those identified within it. As soon as we found out about it we passed the information along to the NCA. They took down the google doc as soon as they were able and are still investigating.

Whilst this event does nothing more to change the type of data that was stolen, it is our view that such activists have encouraged, and made available, the data to make calls to individuals. This increases the risk of you receiving phone calls, emails or post.

Please note that we are informed that the data that was made available by the activists has since been removed and is no longer available.
We understand that it would be a criminal offence for an individual to use the personal data in this way. Because we believe that people would not want to commit a criminal offence in using the data, we consider it unlikely to occur. However, we wanted to bring this recent activity by the activists to your attention following our recent contact with the ICO. 
In the first instance, we would recommend that you be wary of any unidentified or suspicious calls, as you would do normally.
If you do receive such calls, we recommend that you log the date and time (perhaps by taking a screenshot) and report it to the police.

What to do if you or your business is targeted by anti-hunt activists:
Even though anti-hunt activists are very small in number, if you are targeted it can be a frightening and unpleasant experience.  Firstly, report the details to the police via the non-emergency 101 number who, based on the full facts, will advise what offences are being committed.
However, the offences that may be considered are:
1. Harassment - see the links below:
2. Malicious communications – see the link below:
3. E-mails or other electronic messages, if they are menacing in character – could be misuse of communications.
4. Could also be possible public order offences – words/messages could fall under sections 4A or 5 of the Public Order Act 1986, depending on the circumstances.
5. If they are openly planning physical action (turning up at the hotel on a particular day to target the business) – depending what they are planning, they could be conspiring to commit a public order offence
Please contact Rebecca at guntrader on 01666-575 272 if you have a question not covered.

Alexander Andover

Yeah I think we all got the same email. I am not sure whether I ever registered my residential address as I never advertised but I did reply to an add or two. 

Whilst I’m somewhat sympathetic to their situation the lack on contrition doesn’t look good. A little understanding towards the worry the leak has caused would do much to build bridges.

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What a joke...."Guntrader2", I don't understand how this is allowed. Makes the GDPR law not worth the paper it's written on

What a joke...."Guntrader2", I don't understand how this is allowed. Makes the GDPR law not worth the paper it's written on
Changing the name of the company won't save them from the Information Commissioners Office's(Home | ICO) investigations as they will pursue the responsible individuals.

Guntrader are a disgrace of a company. Got good grounds for this opinion.

I feel genuinely sorry for all the folks who are extra vigilant with their firearms info but trusted them with their details.

How they are still online is beyond me.

What’s beyond me is this : why haven’t the Animal Libbers who hacked the site been traced and banged up in a cell ?  To publish the details of a hundred thousand possible firearms locations beggars belief . If one of those guns ends up being used illegal it’s on their heads . 

What’s beyond me is this : why haven’t the Animal Libbers who hacked the site been traced and banged up in a cell ?  To publish the details of a hundred thousand possible firearms locations beggars belief . If one of those guns ends up being used illegal it’s on their heads . 
All these anti that and anti this seem to think their above the law, and it seems that they are, as very seldom does anything get done, insulate Britain comes to mind.
