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Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Been trying to get a response from their site admins as they have banned me for reasons they won't clarify, but they won't even respond now - pretty irritating as a ground and not being able to see the forums and respond to anything that concerns our facility.

Would anyone have any other means of contacting them to at least try and get a response to this unjustified, unexplained, and rather petty situation please?

Thanks in advance!

Congratulations. It's easier to get banned from pigeon watch than it is to get an electic shock by sticking your fingers in the plug 'oles.  They seem to get upset over things that would go unnoticed anywhere else,  and unless you know somebody else on the forum who can fight your corner for you, you will remain forever banned.  😉

I don't post anymore after receiving a warning for posting a rude word with an asterisk....and a few arssy comments on various posts.

I don't post anymore after receiving a warning for posting a rude word with an asterisk....and a few arssy comments on various posts.
. I got a warning once.  Actually makes me laugh as they are quite often very rude to each other on there and sometimes the sexism is a little too much for me.  Too much politics on there.  

. I got a warning once.  Actually makes me laugh as they are quite often very rude to each other on there and sometimes the sexism is a little too much for me.  Too much politics on there.  
Its sh*te 😃

. I got a warning once.  Actually makes me laugh as they are quite often very rude to each other on there and sometimes the sexism is a little too much for me.  Too much politics on there.  
Your Liberal Conservatism in your Labour,  makes me Green with envy  !

Its sh*te 😃
IF that is the technical term, you certainly have some National Front.

From what I can work out the admins are a close knit bunch who have very similar views. If a post fits with them it's ok, including any strong  bad language. If it doesn't,   then expect a warning for even mild pre watershed language.  

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Been trying to get a response from their site admins as they have banned me for reasons they won't clarify, but they won't even respond now - pretty irritating as a ground and not being able to see the forums and respond to anything that concerns our facility.

Would anyone have any other means of contacting them to at least try and get a response to this unjustified, unexplained, and rather petty situation please?

Thanks in advance!
Firstly I need to put in a good word for PigeonWatch because despite agreeing with most of what others have said including the clicky nature of the mods (no surprise really, why would it be any different), I think it's moderated fairly well and certainly better than some places I am and have been a member of for years. The site owner comes across as a nice fellow, a bit like Matt really. I've only thus far managed a warning for taking the bait from a numbnut but said numbnut got off scott free - such is life and little use complaining. 

BUT as is the nature of these sorts of environments the trouble emanates from one or two people who, once elevated to the supreme position of forum prefect 😕 not only go on the odd power trip but at times can pounce on individuals they simply don't like. I consider myself very lucky and privileged to have been banned from one such "gun brand" group on faceBook pretty much the same day I was approved 😂 , and today I got another month or complete ban (dunno yet) from another such group which just don't like people telling stuff as it is. 😂  😶   Based on these kinds of experiences over the years I would therefore say this to you, 1) you sound like my kinda guy 2) take it as a badge of honour.

If you pm me your PW forum name and a very brief message regarding the possible reason for the lack of access I will try and pm one of the mods, it's also entirely possible that the issue is a technical one in any case. 


I contacted PW on your behalf.

You are banned .

Totally , end of , they do not wish to discuss the matter .You must have been a very naughty boy .

Actually genuinely don't know what it is that I am alleged to have done!

Mindless pathetic behavior...

Thanks all, appreciate your help!

Actually genuinely don't know what it is that I am alleged to have done!

Mindless pathetic behavior...

Thanks all, appreciate your help!
Most of the clay shooting fraternity will take their info to and from social media good or bad so irritating as it is, that forum really isn't clay based.  On a personal note, sad to see you are not doing registered sporting.  Will this change do you think once building works etc done?

The Pigeonwatch Admin (Teal) has posted an explanation on PW under Clayshooting thread.

It appears Eriswell were banned in 2011 so you will need to contact TeaL AND SORT IT ALL OUT AND REGISTER AGAIN , IF POSSIBLE.

Don't usually post about members account status publicly. But happy to say the same as I sent them in email back on 13th July.

"I have checked, and this is because you previously had an account on Pigeon Watch, and it was banned some years ago (2011) following breaking of our rules. Therefore this registration is a re-registration which is not permitted in our site rules and has been banned."

Makes no sense at all as they know it isn't the same person,mind you being admin of anything is a thankless task!

I have found Admin's in general are awkward to deal with , usually married to French partners , so they lose all sense of negotiation and diplomatic skills .🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have found Admin's in general are awkward to deal with , usually married to French partners , so they lose all sense of negotiation and diplomatic skills .🤣🤣🤣🤣
There is no negotiation with a french wife. 


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