Open Thread - Clay Shooting Classic - June 4th to 7th

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Friday 9:30 red 3. Don't think I was meant to shoot it though. My eyes have decided to go blind over the past few weeks (opticians next Tuesday for MOT) and now I can't get hold of my favoured cartridge. Fate and destiny eh?. If you see me say Hi, I'll be the one being led about and laughed at by five other blokes whilst moaning about the rubbish cartridges I've had to use. Can't wait, Should be a fantastic day out!. See you all there.

friday 11.30 ..with a gang from on here .. :crazy: im sure there tell ya what stand we starting on, buggered if i can remember ...

have fun everyone and enjoy..

Only 50% wrong! I hope there are no Red or Blue clays!

Good luck everyone.

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I was mistaken, but led by James!  I just couldn't be arsed to check... :crazy:

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As my social secretary has bottled the Saturday in favour of a SCBC bash, I shall need to concentrate...

On sat 9am on blue stand 7, cant wait , hope weather is kind to us :hot: like this would be nice , hope to put some faces to names

" Errr no - if there is a two colour choice, and you pick the wrong one - then you are 100% wrong. "

I never was good at Matt's,  but brilliant at spelling so no retort required.

friday 11.30 ..with a gang from on here .. :crazy: im sure there tell ya what stand we starting on, buggered if i can remember ...

have fun everyone and enjoy..
Friday 11.30 it is poacher   :crazy:  and we start on stand 5 red course errr I think  :read:   :laugh: ....... best of luck all who are having a bash enjoy your shooting and have fun  :thumbsup:

Friday 11.30 it is poacher   :crazy:  and we start on stand 5 red course errr I think  :read:   :laugh: ....... best of luck all who are having a bash enjoy your shooting and have fun  :thumbsup:
Cheers welsh wizard. Looking forward to it.

Cheers welsh wizard. Looking forward to it.
Same here my friend...... lets hope the weather god will be kind and let it be dry to help the event be a great couple of days of shooting... !! but going on today's weather here I think wellies will be the footwear of choice 

I Shot the services day yesterday in the pouring rain , a disabled RAF veteran shooting with five Royal Marine Commandos. Great bunch of guys and despite the adverse weather we thoroughly enjoyed the shoot. "TOP GUN" in the squad? The RAF of course (just had to use the top gun pun) however by the end I was worn out cold and wet, my overall score reflecting the harsh conditions. A "BIG THANKS" to Steve and his team who helped me around this marathon course. Good luck to all shooting Classic 2014 over the next few days.
