What is your Discipline -Sporting/Trap

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Shropshire. Sporting mainly 95% of the time.

I did really enjoy the Compaq Sporting at the Growler and the DTL.

ESP mostly but I try to do all the county shoots so trap/skeet once or twice a year.pigeons crows rabbits now and again.and hares twice a year.


In fact I've just got back from shooting the county double rise.

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Mainly OT, with some ABT, UT and occasional Sporting. Game a couple of times a year, and a bit of decoying.

Just starting out really, so dipping my toe in every pond atm, clays that is. (Never had any interest in game shooting).

I will prob focus on trap disciplines the most, in the long run.


I prefer competition ie registered or open rather than practice.

In order of preference and probably frequency:




All round - the closest I'll get to a trap competition

Very occasionally I'll practice on skeet or DTL but only if there is no sporting competition on

I have no problem with shooting game because I like eating it. I have 2 days booked in October.

My husband prefers to shoot a rifle but I'd rather watch paint dry. My penance for that is I get to be butt marker instead


Sporting clays, game and pigeon. Lincolnshire is rubbish for the other disciplines, you have to travel a fair way to shoot any trap or registered events.

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Trap,mainly OT......badly at the moment! (must do better next year!)

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Sporting. Not a huge fan of skeet, tried ABT and I'm shockingly bad at it, probably cos I'm using a shorter but would like to get better at it. Might try a comb raiser and see if that has any difference

Mine isn't short, but don't worry mate some just are and its more how busy it is and how you use it that matters. :)
