should i call police?

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Apr 7, 2014
Hello all, I wondered if I could get some advice? 

I am very new to shotgun ownership but ive had my ticket and my Caesar Guerini Apex for a couple of months and have managed to get out and shoot a couple of weekends. 

The point is i'm still very inexperienced using and being around guns - and that's why im here to ask this question - in case i've got this completely wrong. 

Yesterday I was enjoying a BBQ at my parents and someone was clearly shooting nearby. Usually pairs of shots. It sounded quite close to me and I put it down to being in local fields a couple of hundred yards away. It sounded a bit nearer but that's where my lack of experience comes in - i don't have enough time spent around shooters to gauge how loud/how far away it would have been. And im used to wearing ear protection when im shooting!

So, we commented on the occasional BANG BANG and then, following another pair, about a second later we were hit by shot - of that i have no doubt at all. At least 3 of us were hit at foot/ankle level and there was a light scatter noise off the deck we were sat on. Strangely we couldn't find any of the shot, but still, i am certain that's what it was. 

My immediate reaction was to shout out. Then I went to try and find the source and it dawned on me that the fields were almost certainly way too far away to be the source. 

How far away is the shot likely to have come from because my suspicion now is that it came from the back garden of one of the houses that backs onto my parents - in which case the trigger would most likely have been pulled about 30-40 meters from where we were sat and was probably aimed at wood pigeons in heavy wooded cover between there and us. 

The bloke that lives there, whilst never being a direct nuisance to my parents is 'known' - the garden looks like a cross between Waco and Scrapheap Challenge. Very loud gangsta rap during weekends and a couple of noisy aggressive Staffies. 

I can't be certain it came from there but about 5 minutes after i'd had a wander looking for the source, he and his sidekick sauntered slowly past my parents with the dogs. It seemed way too much of a coincidence. I'd also be surprised if he's licensed (and i'm trying hard not to sound predjudiced). 

SO, long story and what i'm trying to get too is how close/far is that scatter of shot likely to have come from? Clearly wherever it was someone is being an absolute idiot shooting either from, toward or both of a built up housing area. 

What do folk think an appropriate response should be?

When you say that 3 of you were hit at foot/ankle level, did it leave any lasting marks - preferably that might be used as evidence?

It may or may not have been your parents neighbour, but if the police know for certain that a shotgun is being used in a residential neighbourhood then I'm sure they'd be inclined to do something about it.

Shot can travel for several hundred yards, so if it was just a light pattering noise, without leaving any appreciable physical evidence and not something more telling, then it could very easily have been fired from a few hundred yards away.

If it were me I would have had a quiet word with the local coppers!

Difficult to answer without knowing the lie of the land so to speak. As a starting position, it's possible the person shooting does not realise their shot is falling on your parents property. My starting point would be to let them know.  

range of shot 2.5mm dia,, is max 350 yards  +/_ .this is standard fall out zone for clay shooting. obviously larger shot will travel further, SG  will go as far as 2miles!  there are laws relating to proximity to roads/footpaths/residential area's etc.

definitely inform the local police, and try to find a few pellets,  really don't need this adverse publicity,,so avoid the papers! otherwise the antigun brigade will jump on it,,and that affects us all.

.............. the antigun brigade will jump on it,,and that affects us all.
Hence my softly softly approach to start with. If the response is not "sensible" then have that quiet word. 

As for the law. I'm not too sure but I think shot falling on neighboring land is more about environmental issues.  ie the lead could contaminate your land. You might imagine this is not too easy to prosecute. 

The law related to shooting close to roads/rights of way etc is clearer. You're not allowed to shoot within 50 feet of the centre of the carriageway where doing so could injure, interrupt or endanger any user.  

But I'm not a lawyer, so whilst I might be wrong.......... there's no charge either :biggrin:  

I'd make certain where it came from then the way I'd approach it would be then ask the culprit if they'd had any fallout from some feckin eejit shooting in the area as some had landed in your parents garden, scared the crap out of your poor old mum who is not in the best of health and took a lot of reassuring. If that fails have a quiet word with local plod if you have such a thing in your area.

Hi, first of all, any chance of finding any shot in the areas that you say it fell, if yes, then collect and keep same. I would then ask if the local Bobby or the Wildlife Liaison Officer could meet with you at the location and describe what had taken place. I would ask them if they could check for any legally held firearms in the immediate vicinity or could they visit any local land where shooting legally takes place to ascertain if any persons were shooting at the time of the incident. It is not unknown for someone to be legally shooting and not be aware of the safe fallout distances for spent shot. Make them aware that you do not wish to pursue an official complaint, more to make any offenders aware of shot fallout distances. The reason that I suggest asking for the W.L.O. is that they are very often shooters and are therfore more knowledgeable in shooting related matters. The alternative is to contact your local Firearms Department and report the incident to them, outlining the above. The problem with confronting anyone yourself is the possible repercussions to your Parents, at a later date and when you may not be there.

Hence my softly softly approach to start with. If the response is not "sensible" then have that quiet word. 

As for the law. I'm not too sure but I think shot falling on neighboring land is more about environmental issues.  ie the lead could contaminate your land. You might imagine this is not too easy to prosecute. 

The law related to shooting close to roads/rights of way etc is clearer. You're not allowed to shoot within 50 feet of the centre of the carriageway where doing so could injure, interrupt or endanger any user.  

But I'm not a lawyer, so whilst I might be wrong.......... there's no charge either :biggrin:
The fact it is "armed trespass" so criminal rather than civil makes it more likely plod will take interest but lack of definitive proof means a word in the ear is about all that is likely to happen.

The fact it is "armed trespass" so criminal rather than civil makes it more likely plod will take interest but lack of definitive proof means a word in the ear is about all that is likely to happen.
Not sure it is 'armed trespass' - no gun or gun carrying trespasser on the affected property (or other weapon for that matter).

I agree however that it is trespass.

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Falling projectile (no sure on arrows or bolts) but pellet, lead shotgun shot or bullet heads onto land with no permission is armed trespass I'm pretty sure on that!

To be fair I can't find reference for above so may well be rubbish.

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My guess is that it would need a Lawyer to explain which area of the Law this falls under. 

Anyway, we digress. The OP asked what we would do and I have given my response to that :good:

But just for clarity's sake here's a quote from BASC - 

To fire a bullet or shot onto land that you have no right to shoot into or over is ‘constructive trespass’. Whilst this is a civil matter 
BASC strongly advises not to do this.
Worth also noting that there is no offence of "armed trespass" 
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Look......unless he is firing through the fence it will not be a close neighbour. Shot goes up along and down. For simplicity think of an arc (although it is not an arc)

I showered a family BBQ once when shooting crows on the farm between a high hedge and the back wall of the grain store. I thought that it made a great ride and i could also stick my slurp on the top of the fence post, whilst waiting for the flights (early evening). Shots were taken almost vertical as they flew over the grain store. Neighbour at the end of my farm track (over 300 yds) came up and told me it was landing on them.....only like a shower of hail every now and then. Shot went up....and arc down was helped by the little breeze. I apologised and took them in front from the end of the hedge from then on and showered the house instead.

You all know what it is like on a clay ground when you get shot from a long way drop on you. This is different to someone firing at you through a hedge or fence. 

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If shot hit you at that height from 30-40m it would still have a lot of bite to it you would be removing it with a tweezers, spent or falling shot would be very wind affected and hard to pinpoint where it came from but I'm sure you could work that out by the bangs
