Sharing guns on certificates

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Thats the way to go, All of our guns are listed on all certificates and having spoken to Hazel this is what we did when we brought our sons gun.

But that form is for declaring 'transfers'......which also might include 'shared' guns.

If you transfer....then you no longer own it....!

And it is no longer on your you cannot have it for longer than 72 hours.

Just saying....!!

But that form is for declaring 'transfers'......which also might include 'shared' guns.

If you transfer....then you no longer own it....!

And it is no longer on your you cannot have it for longer than 72 hours.

Just saying....!!
I think that if the "shared" box is on the form, they are willing to accept it as a notice of shared ownership and we will delete both the "to/from" option and clearly write "WITH".


Thats the way to go, All of our guns are listed on all certificates and having spoken to Hazel this is what we did when we brought our sons gun.
Thanks Andy. You must be covered by the same authority as us, so that is what we shall do.

But that form is for declaring 'transfers'......which also might include 'shared' guns.

If you transfer....then you no longer own it....!

And it is no longer on your you cannot have it for longer than 72 hours.

Just saying....!!
Aye, but all you do is complete the "I ACQUIRED a shotgun" section, and leave the other section blank or run a black pen line through the sections not pertaining to the transaction you're seeking to indicate to the police. You can acquire a shothun from someone and it remain on their SGC.

At risk of teaching you to suck eggs, Lesley, which isn't my intention, have you tried calling you local police firearms licensing helpline?

They may allow you simply to fill in each other's SGC and then scan them, and then email them off to your licensing team?

Just a thought :)
Tried calling them before posting on here, but they were as helpful as a chocolate teapot. :huh:

When we got our licences last year the Firearms officer that came to visit actually said that West Mids police discourage guns going on more than one licence as when you sell a gun, IF it only gets removed from one licence and not the other, it makes the gun harder to track in the future, he said just use the 72hr rule for transporting guns.

When we buy or sell a gun, we just write 'shared security' on the form that goes back to the police.

Have fun folks. I cannot explain more than I have.

If it is not nailed down all comes back to having to argue it in court if you come across a 'jobs worth'.

A clearly laid out letter is better than an ambiguous form. But that is up to you. Keep safe.



Send the licensing authority a letter clearly stating exactly what you want to do and keep a copy.

You are the owners, you are responsible for the guns safe keeping and who can use them, we seem to forget that the Police are a public service not a dictatorship.

One reason for putting guns on both the license of yours and your husbands or visa versa is because you both have access to each others guns stored in the one cabinet unless of course you have seperate cabinets but even so most firearms officers worth his salt would still insist you do this. ;)

A European Firearms Pass is FREE and expires when your shotgun certificate expires so why wouldn't you ask for one? You never know if or when it might be needed.

Sore point there, I've tried to contact West Mids police for over 2 weeks now for a European SGC and can't get through to them, they've changed the phone number with 7 options, 6 recorded message and the 7th if your another police force looking for info on someone's SGC, I have emailed too, absolutely ridiculous !!!!


Helpful advice it is not called a European SGC as that does not exist.

It is an EFP (European Firearms Pass).

It is free and they will if you ask, sync the dates to your SGC. They use one of the pictures that you have already supplied.

Hope that helps.

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Helpful advice it is not called a European SGC as that does not exist.It is an EFP (European Firearms Pass).

It is free and they will if you ask, sync the dates to your SGC. They use one of the pictures that you have already supplied.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Nic it does help, be even better if I could actually get to speak to them !!!


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Helpful advice it is not called a European SGC as that does not exist.

It is an EFP (European Firearms Pass).

It is free and they will if you ask, sync the dates to your SGC. They use one of the pictures that you have already supplied.

Hope that helps.
I stand corrected ;)

Warwickshire Firearms have automatically put my guns on my wife's license and her guns on mine. Plus our license's expire at the same time so they only visit once for both renewals to check the gun safe.

They were the ones who did this and we in fact questioned it and their response was that it makes the job so much easier for them with all guns on both license's means either can carry the guns with no issues and at renewal they simply do it all in one trip rather than visiting 12 months apart like they used too.

Same with the EFP's!

Hi Lesley - you have probably sorted this out by now but, just in case it helps, we have quite a few shotguns and they are all purchased on my certificate, irrespective whether they are for me or my wife.

When I send a form to the police to confirm purchase, I simply write on it by hand that the gun is "shared" with   -  wife's name and certificate number.

Then I repeat the information entered by the seller on my certificate, on to the wife's certificate, except I sign it rather than the seller. This situation has been approved by our Firearms Liaison Officer and we have had no problems with the police. The beauty of it is that each of us are then allowed to be in charge of ANY of our guns.

Simple as that !

Hi Lesley - you have probably sorted this out by now but, just in case it helps, we have quite a few shotguns and they are all purchased on my certificate, irrespective whether they are for me or my wife.

When I send a form to the police to confirm purchase, I simply write on it by hand that the gun is "shared" with   -  wife's name and certificate number.

Then I repeat the information entered by the seller on my certificate, on to the wife's certificate, except I sign it rather than the seller. This situation has been approved by our Firearms Liaison Officer and we have had no problems with the police. The beauty of it is that each of us are then allowed to be in charge of ANY of our guns.

Simple as that !
Thanks for that.  That is what we have basically done now; we sent duplicate forms to the Licencing Department as the guns were already on Mike's licence, and he added them to mine as "shared".

Sorry, posted on hubby instead of me.  Lesley 

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