New Classification Averages are out

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Gone from no-class to A-class in just over a year, pushing for AA next.  
You're plenty good enough for AA Dan!

Still AA for ESP.

Although I've gone from the bottom of AA to the top of AA.

Don't think I'm ready for AAA yet! ?

AA is plenty tough enough thanks ?

Congratulations to everyone who's achieved their goals ?

Bucking the trend my six months with a much desired DT10 was, as many told me very early on somewhat of a mistake, very well done you chaps and ladies on your moves onwards and upwards, just don't turn the lights off on the c class door when you leave :)

Bucking the trend my six months with a much desired DT10 was, as many told me very early on somewhat of a mistake, very well done you chaps and ladies on your moves onwards and upwards, just don't turn the lights off on the c class door when you leave :)
I'm still with you ?

I switched from a private membership to a trade one and did not register scores from about 3 reg shoots in the 2 months I was 'unregistered' with the cpsa. Net result I have managed to stay in b for a little while longer!

I shall strongly deny any accusations of sandbagging! ( that'll be the day! ) :)

I switched from a private membership to a trade one and did not register scores from about 3 reg shoots in the 2 months I was 'unregistered' with the cpsa. Net result I have managed to stay in b for a little while longer!

I shall strongly deny any accusations of sandbagging! ( that'll be the day! ) :)
very cunning plan that mate :)

Hmmm.... Others have done that as well but to improve their average rather than hold it back !!

Apparently 'Averages' are not necessarily what they seem !!

As for the whole rankings thing, check out the top three OT rankings. Bloody nonsense.

Oooh and check out the Junior OT rankings as well :)  Not that it counts for zip when it comes to GB or England team selection but nice to see  :(  


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My adjusted score is 70/80 in Double Rise which is 87.5% but I am still in C Class even though 86.25% is the AA cutoff.  I guess it wasn't enough targets to change my class.

"Members can only gain or move up in classification once they have registered a minimum of 100 targets during the scores period and must have registered a minimum of 300 targets to move down a class (which is further restricted to one class per 12 month period"

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ruddy good job I didn't shoot 300 abt targets then ?

"Members can only gain or move up in classification once they have registered a minimum of 100 targets during the scores period and must have registered a minimum of 300 targets to move down a class (which is further restricted to one class per 12 month period"
I shot 160 registered but 80 got dropped because of the 10% rule, even with that result I should be up to B class.  I suppose they must mean a minimum of 100 targets after the adjustment.

I shot 160 registered but 80 got dropped because of the 10% rule, even with that result I should be up to B class.  I suppose they must mean a minimum of 100 targets after the adjustment.
I think that's wrong mate even adjusted if you shot 100 you can move up and as 40up and over says 300 is minimum to move down. I would email or ring hq contrary to popular belief they are very helpfull

I only shoot it a couple of times a year anyway so I will just leave it and see if it goes up next time. I shot it last weekend so have 160 adjusted targets for the next period.

why leave it, if its wrong then bring it to there attention. If were wrong and its correct then at least you / we will know the reason.
