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just looked at some dtl results from sun. Who in there right mind shot dtl in that weather, what was the point ? Devastating scores in bad weather will not teach you anything other than not to do it again, madness Imo.
You know what Fred says................temp in double figures..........wind in single figures! To that I would add, sunshine and no rain. I did my bit years ago, shooting trap in all sorts of nasty weather, I always wondered why the old hands at trap shooting didn't bother in bad weather..................well I found out! 

Well, after today I am now a firm believer in the 'Temp in double figures, wind in single figures' adage. Been out today and really, really wished I hadn't :(  

Worst scores - ever! For both of us. Lucky to stay in double figures

Happy Christmas everybody :)  see you all next year.


eight squads of loonies shot dtl half way up a hill in Wales on sun, spoke to my mate last night who was beside himself and currently on suicide watch, high gun was something like a 268 my mate beggered off after 50 having witnessed a bloke literally blown over.

shooting in this kind of weather is purely out of habit Imo, its not fun and you always wished you had stayed at home. Like I did, even the dog didn't want to go out.

shooting in this kind of weather is purely out of habit Imo, its not fun and you always wished you had stayed at home. Like I did, even the dog didn't want to go out.

wish i had a dog that didn't want to go out...mine turns somersaults.rain,snow,ice,hurricanes just doesn't care!

The local 10 bird DTL pool was won with an 8. 

It was so windy that targets that hit the ground on their edges were taking off again as much as 20 to 30 feet.

Deemed to dangerous to set the ABT up. 

I stayed in the cabin and drank tea.  

oh dear,so the weather  is a bit nasty.... i am hibernating in Capetown,, :cool:  not too bad here,, will suffer blighty in march.. :D

thats not so nice, you pommy !, i have shot clays once in a month,,i seem to be working too hard here,,,have a heart,,, i`m suffering  quite a lot,,,,

especially the heat , :cool:   nice holiday tho,,, crayfish coming soon off the boats,,,

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were experiencing a very unusual heatwave for the time of year here in blighty, yep 22 degrees blue sky's. Wow.

22 deg Farenheight.  It's the forecast 70mph winds thst might put a bit of a damper on Saturday. At least it looks as though it'll be dry. 
