fsp four counties

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I can't afford SheepSkin! Pure Polyester for me all day long...

Just had a call from Sue - Today's Fitasc is cancelled, trees coming down and too dangerous in the woods. May go to Wylye then, have to get out of the house somehow...

Im leaving wylye til later, forecast says better from half 11 12ish :D

To be fair to 4C's it has been bloody rough here overnight :( Just a shame the tree owned by the council just ouside my garden that obscures the sun all afternoon in the summer didnt blow over :angry:

Yep, It's been horrible here overnight and still is. Will wait and see what the weather does...

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Ha! Couldn't get a ticket for love nor money. Pulled it in the gym on Thursday. Thought it was on the mend but it's very painful this morning

Was talking about a post comment to Toby after his hilarious texts last night and also it was arranging our shooting of UT / OT next week.....at Owls..........but after the site outage it has disappeared ??????

Jon did say some posts got lost in the hosting company moving servers, I think he is looking into it.........

Post was today Fuzzy just before yours.

(Laughs out loud)

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Innocent of any charge..........Suspect it was the server outage when I was on here.

Hi guys. Just in from putting it all away. Sorry to let you down (only ever cancelled on the morning of a shoot 3 times in 18 years!) It was hell on earth at the ground! It's taken 2 days work to put on - so we're well fed up!
