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Dog Tyred

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
Home page of BICTSF has the following and only the following!!

Hello and welcome to the home page of the BICTSF.

Thank you - and goodnight

Have I missed something over the weekend??


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I know that they were undergoing a redesign. I'm guessing this is part of the migration process.

(disclaimer - am not involved, and do not have any inside information)

The previous webmaster, an ex BICTSF Board member, only found out by chance this morning that a new website was going live, allegedly this week.  Another gem of seamless planning by the Board and decided to have his bit of fun.

I have taken the England OTR selection form off the cpsa website until i know how many targets they are using for GB selection for 2015!

I have taken the England OTR selection form off the cpsa website until i know how many targets they are using for GB selection for 2015!
Not aimed at the messenger.

?? Why should the number of targets used for GB selection determine the English selection??

There is no/or at most limited to a very few considered for the GB team.

Very small tail wagging a bigger dog.

On a wider front.

I really wish UK sport would go and "Do one" from what I see,it is really destroying sport at ground level.

Other sports are also having the same problems with the overbearing pressure put on their top performers to justify their funding and non selection solely because they can't always make a training session etc. e.g they have existing educational/ work commitments. They (UK sport) can't risk selecting somebody not funded as the accountant wouldn't like it.

Too many talented young people are giving up their dreams for poorly thought through policy's.

Close it down and send the money on something worthwhile...until they come up with a better way of doing things.

Rant over, but that's my opinion.

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I get fed up and somewhat confused (must be me age) by all these different shooting bodies!!! Why the hell can't we just have ONE body to cover clay shooting in all its forms? 

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:fie:  So sit back Les and watch  the numpties screw it all up! :crazy:
Cyril, seems that those of us of a certain age have been watching events get screwed up for a good many years mate! I really don't know what the next/up coming generation of shooters are going to inherit !!! Mind you I was talkning to a couple of young lads last year at Southern Counties and I really could not believe the conversation!!! They had watched me shooting OT and came over to me afterwards and asked what my gun was, I told them it was a Miroku 3800. They had never heard of a 3800, so they got a short history of the Miroku and its connection to Browning and the B25. They did not even know that Bob Braithwaite won an Olympic medal with a B25!!!!! Or that Ian Peel had won an Olympic medal with a Miroku, and that was not that long ago!!! 

I think Fred Thornley (40up) was right when he told me that people of our years have seen the best of clay shooting in this country! Anyway I'm starting to sound like my father I guess it's time to bugger off and take me medication!!  :crazy:

Tinker bell said:
Because it does not work like that unfortunately.

eg. The Issf have no interest in the Fitasc disciplines or the European and World DTL or the World sporting set up by Cpsa and the Americans.

Like wise the UK sporting side  or FITASC Paris side does not really have any interest in the DTL  (they see it as too slow) or any interest in ISSF because that is Olympics etc etc etc. Obviously here i am giving the short version...roughed up quick for a simplistic answer.

It is impossible to have a one size fits all.....without someone losing out.

Eg. You will never see on the British Shooting website ...all the wins obtained abroad by the shooters in the Fitasc disciplines (we win too much), likewise if you remember back in late summer, we did not see any of the Fitasc wins in South Africa etc etc appear on the CPSA website...yet the ISSF and CWG shooter featured a lot. You will never see Home International results put on British Shooting site....or on BICTSF site.

Best just sit back ...decide what you want to shoot....go shoot it ....and be happy.....and if you win anything...hope that someone will report it somewhere...and you get your 5 minutes of fame ...until the next time....then try to go out and win some more.

The payoff is really the satisfaction that you get yourself when you achieve something great. The cup or medal is there with you forever if it is an international. If it is a national...then you get it for a year (sometimes) and plenty of pictures. So remember to take loads.

Then you have the satisfaction in your own home for years and years and years.....and it does not then in reality ...matter...what anyone else does.

Simplistic...I know.

:wink: But as always.....true..!
Thank you Nic, very well put dear! Oh and by the way, I like that vest you are wearing in the pics in the lates Pull mag. What is it and where did you get it? Oh and well done on your win too!!

Tinker bell said:
I often cannot seem to get past the first page i have no idea what you are talking about. I will try and find it if it has not been binned...and have a look. It is guaranteed to be a blokes vest though as i have no chance on getting in these so called 'Ladies' vests.

I know ...i know....lose weight you say.....but easier said that done :laugh:
Nic, not sure if it's a ladies vest but it does look good on you. It's a button from jobbie, Looks kinda grey in colour, a very smart vest. I like that button front style but it seems as though only game vests have button fronts these days! 

Tinker bell said:
 i have no chance on getting in these so called 'Ladies' vests.
That's a coincidence... I also seem to have no chance getting into Ladies Vests - I keep trying. 

:fie:  Nic, You might wear a mans vest and swear like a trooper but you will never be a man! :crazy:  

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That's a coincidence... I also seem to have no chance getting into Ladies Vests - I keep trying. 
Careful Matt.......ips will be along soon with one of his lists!!!! Probably the one that covers "must have items of clothing for the cross dressing trap shooter"..........................

:fie:  Bloody poofsters attire! stick to your West of England hessian sackcloth model! :crazy:


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