Dubai Tournament

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Right then this shoot will only succeed if people enjoy it , Chris you are spot on with hospitality etc,etc but generally for Fitasc type of shooting the targets were horrible , nothing wrong with distance of them but to me it seemed they were presented by someone who didn't know what they were doing !!!!!!

The slightest tweaks could have made them brilliant , people enjoy clay shooting for hitting challenging targets not being beat by things they can't see , and as for all this bollox about it being harder is fairer for most is crap , the best are always going to win whether it be on 120 or 189 , there were probably 60 people who could've won big money and 400 that wanted a good shoot , how many do you think they will get next year when they are already saying its going to be harder !!!!!!! As I see it less entry is less tourism , less spent out there equals no shoot in the end

I sincerely hope the clays next year will be presented better and more enjoyable to shoot , but it is a good place for a holiday !!!

Water park was awesome

It will be full....and in the strange chance that it is not.....they will not be bothered. 

The whole point of this shoot is to be aspirational to the Dubai shooters coming through in all disciplines.

They want their people to see the best in the world shoot clays. And the huge prize money will guarantee that the best in the world get there.

They wont soften it off...that is not the point of a million dollar event.......just saying :laugh:

There will be plenty 'in it to win in'....true story :wink:

Hamid, re your post about target level. Broadly I would agree, but it seems this shoot was so unique that it was never ever going to feel like anywhere else. So if backed off just a touch it might be a nice gesture to the lower half of the field. Of course it is the case that when a shoot is a touch easier it makes about 2% difference to the top guys , but about 10% difference to the cannon fodder like me.
Will, this is the last thing they should do, these shoots are not for people who are still learning to shoot, Palinkas's idea of fitasc shoots that are based on getting as many people as possible shooting them is flawed, all it does is dilute what should be the pinnacle of shooting. Palinkas should limit the euros and worlds and get rid of the current rules governing the degree of difficulty for targets.

Steve, pretty sure the course will be better next year but just as hard, it was there very first attempt and I am sure they learnt a lot.

Perhaps they will be looking to employ a good, experienced course setter, maybe someone who has experienced the competition and could see how it could be improved, and of course, pay them handsomely.

Anyone know where they could find one of those??  :spiteful:

I could make some suggestions but I don't think they would listen to me.  :biggrin:

Don't think you understand what shooting is all about Nicola , as a comparison with top money at stake lets look at snooker and darts shall we ,

The world champs at the crucible lets give them a table of 24 foot x 12 foot make the pockets smaller and give them all the same que , now lets see ronnie make all those big breaks and entertain the crowds , because I can tell you something the best will still win eventually but it will be a slog !!!!!

I am not saying make it a lot easier I am saying make it better presented which equals more enjoyment for more people but I don't really expect you to understand that as a trap person

Will, this is the last thing they should do, these shoots are not for people who are still learning to shoot, Palinkas's idea of fitasc shoots that are based on getting as many people as possible shooting them is flawed, all it does is dilute what should be the pinnacle of shooting. Palinkas should limit the euros and worlds and get rid of the current rules governing the degree of difficulty for targets.

Steve, pretty sure the course will be better next year but just as hard, it was there very first attempt and I am sure they learnt a lot.
Matt, it's all a matter of degree. I'm not saying make it tame, or even like normal Fitasc. Just maybe back it off a tiny bit which would help the lowest third to 'survive'. But I wasn't there..

I said that it would'ent be full this year and I cannot see what they are going to do fill it up next year?  More free lunches? gun down? slack refereeing? no! lets wait and see!

Matt, it's all a matter of degree. I'm not saying make it tame, or even like normal Fitasc. Just maybe back it off a tiny bit which would help the lowest third to 'survive'. But I wasn't there..
But this is my point Will, don't change the shoot for the lower third, you want to enter then fine but expect it to be hard. Now presentation of targets is a different story and I think Steve is correct on that one.

From what I've read and seen about it I would aim to be there next year. I don't mind long birds/hard targets, IMO much better than skeet in the woods !

Really feel some are missing the point a wee bit

Its not supposed to be like any other event! the prize money dwarfs anything ever offered before so the targets should be equally as extreme But they are the same targets for every shooter and to suggest they should be easier to hit would just be pointless as there are enough comps around the world that already offer this.

Someone mentioned here earlier that Gebben miles had a month off to practice prior to this shoot no doubt he found it tough but he will at this minute be a very happy bunny and I bet a penny to a pound he will be back next year as will all the big guns

I will wager a £50 bet with anyone the numbers entering will be bigger next year.

I said that it would'ent be full this year and I cannot see what they are going to do fill it up next year?  More free lunches? gun down? slack refereeing? no! lets wait and see!
Actually from what I have been told the refereeing was very good and strict, hope Planikant was paying attention!

Don't think you understand what shooting is all about Nicola , as a comparison with top money at stake lets look at snooker and darts shall we ,

The world champs at the crucible lets give them a table of 24 foot x 12 foot make the pockets smaller and give them all the same que , now lets see ronnie make all those big breaks and entertain the crowds , because I can tell you something the best will still win eventually but it will be a slog !!!!!

I am not saying make it a lot easier I am saying make it better presented which equals more enjoyment for more people but I don't really expect you to understand that as a trap person
Of course I don't :wink: I have only been doing it 30 years. (Made England Fitasc and GB Helice teams...but hey that does not matter). As for big money shoots.....every year i shoot one that is 250,000 euros and 4 or 5 that are 100,000 euros prize money....with i have no understanding about tough shoots or big prize money. :wink:

Edit - Psssst and 2014 is only my 21st year shooting abroad in countries all over the known i may get a better understanding when i have done my 128th overseas shoot later this month.....(and i have not counted game shooting trips abroad in this calculation..just saying :laugh: ).

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The refs were actually bloody brilliant , they shuck everyone's hand , really polite and helpful but really on the ball with gun creep and mounting really good to see

Yes but it's all going away easy peesee stuff !!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha I was shooting Fitasc sporting abroad before you had heard of it... :laugh: But I am glad that you have now tried shooting abroad and enjoyed it so much.

I foresee a big delivery of sand to Weston sometime soon :)

Oh god here we go... So if you were doing it before anyone else it must have been very boring going round on your own....

I want to make a sensible point here, I have studied the photos that Don has posted of the layouts! I came to the conclusion that the terrain used is the most boring

uninspirational piece of land that you could find anywhere in the world!   NO one can put on a interesting shoot having to work with this. The only thing I could suggest to make it more scenic is to get down the garden centre and buy containerised trees and shrubs and  "plant" them all over the layouts and hide the majority of traps!

Oh god here we go... So if you were doing it before anyone else it must have been very boring going round on your own....
Oh God. No.. :wink: am I not meant to reply...ooooops sorry....precious one :wink:

I was only replying to some one who said I don't know about shooting. Nice of you to jump in though. do remember that I was the one who posted on here about the Dubai shoot coming...before it was ever released ....just saying.

Take it that I should just take a silly comment about me not knowing about shooting on the chin.....sorry not my style.

Enjoy your night. :wink:


 Please read my post number 365.

Reference target setting, it is not good or clever to present edge on clays with speed and distance. Far better to show a turning clay with speed and/or distance. If you want to present an edge on clay, give it speed but decrease the distance. If you want a distant rabbit give it space to run in and if you have multiple rabbits vary the speed. Don't give the Arabs or Cypriots or Turks credit for target setting. We the English are the Master race and don't let anyone forget that. Congratulations Gebben on your win, enjoy it because the Brits are coming.
