Thread vanished!

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
my thread has vanished, the one about women and mirrors, surely it wasn't that bad...was it?

Well it seems to have gone mate, one person took it personally I think, so I appologised, but its gone now...anyway onward and upward as they say!!

Remind me what it was about Les.

No wait. On second not!


Obviously too good for the likes of us.  Rude colonial that I am I can't imagine how it could possibly have offended me

The thread was only about certain clothing as worn by certain women. I happened to say that I had observed something and I passed my opinion it. My opinion was negative and was not intended to offend anyone, but sometimes opinions do offend as we all know!

:fie:  1984! George Orwell and the thought police :crazy:  YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO AN OPINION. :spiteful:  

The thread was only about certain clothing as worn by certain women. I happened to say that I had observed something and I passed my opinion it. My opinion was negative and was not intended to offend anyone, but sometimes opinions do offend as we all know!
I am sure you did not intend to offend anyone. I know what you mean though. Some people obviously do not have mirrors otherwise they would not ever go out in hot weather in skimpies......I know us fatties cannot help it...and my tyre is growing rather than shrinking.....but.....bloody hell....Les...some of the things i see in the me an involuntary in take of breath....!!

I particularly hate leggings as the chosen sartorial elegance.....Max Wall is what my hubby called me when I tried them....!!

Funny thing was.....I felt so comfy in them..........and therein lies the problem........!!

Elastic materials are what I blame for us all getting so fat.

Bring back proper jeans, without elastic in the material....because when you struggled to zip them up (and had the start of a muffin top) it warned you to 'stop eating all the pies..!!' and take some exercise ..!! It was a great reminder that you were moving from 'thin' to 'fat bar steward'.

Now in my opinion this material is the killer.....we all feel 'comfy'....look like Max Wall...and keep getting bigger and bigger.

Add over 50 to the mix and........Houston ...we have a problem.....!!

Well at least it's not only me with such opinions then! I still wear non elastic jeans, not the skinny fit variety either, I simply could not get into the bloody things. I'm not what you would call trendy, I've been wearing the same sort of jeans since I was a kid, much like a lot of my mates of a similar age. In fact I'm so old fashioned that I would never go to the pub in a pair of shorts, its just not me!! As for blokes going into pubs without a shirt on....well.....some pubs refuse to serve them, its just not done.

Stretch material has been a killer for me....but it is in everything now. Satan's cloth :laugh:

I hate blokes without a shirt on ......(unless they are on a beach or in a pool).......Yobooooos :wink:

I also hate the new found love for the drunk slapper behaviour amongst our youth, that makes us so popular abroad in various holiday countries....and promoted by TV programmes as a cool and trendy way of having fun when on your jollies...!!

No it isn't ....and some people really should not be allowed a passport :laugh:

I reported the thread as a TOS violation, which it was. It was up to the admins if they agreed with that assessment, which they obviously did. I also posted publicly. Yes. I got your private message hoping it didn't offend me personally. Actually, you coming on to ShootClay and effectively saying that the bodies of women like me are disgusting and should be kept covered didn't offend me personally as I'm too used to that attitude. Most of the time people are parroting it without thinking and do a lovely horrified "But I didn't mean YOU" when I call them on it. Yeah, because I'm not at all like those other fatties. What I did find offensive is that you, a man, thinks it is appropriate to (a) dicate how women dress and ( B) suggest that how a particular woman dresses should be governed by some judgement of how suitable her body is according to you or the media or anyone else. The inverse of saying that fat women should cover themselves up because they are not fit to be seen is that thin women shouldn't cover themselves because you enjoy seeing them. Women are not objects for your pleasure.  That was what I found objectionable in the post. I don't see how anyone can argue that isn't sexist. 

The fact that you didn't wait for a private response from me and instead started complaining that your thread had been deleted speaks volumes for your personal sense of entitlement, as did your response to my post which was nothing other than self justification. What are you hoping to achieve? For me to go, "Oh, really, Les? I see your point of view. Yes, fat women are disgusting and should cover themselves from neck to ankle to protect you and the general public from the horrendous fact of our existence"? Really, if you can't see how offensive your statements were, let alone how inappropriate it was to write them down and publish them in a forum about shooting, then there is no point me wasting my time writing on the subject. It's not acceptable, the mods have told you so by deleting the thread. Learn from it and change your behaviour. Or keep thinking you have the right to be as prejudiced and as objectifying as you like about women, but keep it to yourself and don't bring it into places like this expecting everyone to agree with you. 

Rest assured that if I'm ever daring to shoot trap on a hot day whilst wearing a t-shirt with short sleeves I shan't be wasting any energy wondering if the fact I have enough fat on my upper arms to wobble is causing an emotional crisis for you or anyone else who might be at the same shooting ground.

I missed it......was it good?
The original post was a fairly standard "Why are there all these fat women wearing clothes that offend me? I can see their wobbly bodies, eww!" post. My response was a succinct pointing out that really the first post shouldn't have been made, it was misogynistic. I used the fact that I am a woman of the weight Les was citing ("20 stone") to make the point that the women he was objectifying were in fact people as I am a person, and he doesn't get to tell me what to do. In fact it was pretty mundane. Another day in the gender wars, another incident proving that women still need liberating.  :yawn:  All I was hoping for was to give food for thought and chip away at the prejudices that made someone feel entitled to say those things. That's not the ShootClay way though, is it? We have to go on for pages about how that wasn't what people intended or what they meant or that whomever took offence was too sensitive and should toughen up. I've never understood that last part. I always think that standing up to prejudice and oppression is much harder than putting up with it, especially with the backlash that follows. Certainly it's always followed by "stop making a fuss" and "I have the right to say these things" and "You are the thought police". Standard tactics to get someone to shut up when they've made you feel uncomfortable about what you said. Throw in a side order of Wah! you ran to the moderators as well. No point applying logic and reason any more. We're just working the same old pattern. Say something offensive, get called on it, push back to make it the fault of the person who objected. Bored now. Conversation over because it's no longer a conversation and it's starting to feel a bit too much like Pigeon Watch. :girlcrazy:

This really is getting too silly now. In fact its made the original thread look insignificant as it was not against large ladies, just the use of inappropriate forms of dress by some of them. As I said before, if my opinion offends then I appologise, I did that yesterday on open forum and in a pm to the person who was offended.

To me Les posted his opinions on the state of dress and it's inappropriate use unfortunately he used the example of a women and not a man and thus is suffering the consequences. As a man of considerable girth throughout my life I know of the prejudices and perception of the masses, however if I were to dress in a manner that did not suit my physique I would expect family and friends to be vocal on the manner, many times my wife who is big herself has pointed to inappropriately dressed women and said "you think her friends would say something" maybe you think she is a brainwashed women who hasn't been enlightened with feminism or is she just conforming with society's views?. The debate becomes ridiculous when views are put rightly or wrongly and discussions are then ceased due to someone being offended. Am I right or am I wrong, seems like someone decided for me...:(

Liz I think Les apologised for the way he expressed it.

In reality we do have a serious problem of over weight people in this country and it is growing fast.....myself included.

I sadly cannot wear a T-shirt in hot weather (out of the house)...big boobs and belly does not make a nice I try to camouflage it as best I can.

I did not see the post..... But I have seen many people in clothes where I have thought....' You have not got a mirror dearie'. We are told to be happy with our fat....given elastic clothes more and more in the 'new fashions on the high street' and this is part of the problem......'Fat' is becoming acceptable at all ages....and that is not good for us 'health wise' .

It is extremely hard to lose weight at any age when it has gone too far...and extremely hard at my age..... So the lesson should be (IMHO) keep fit, eat healthily ...survive longer in a happier state.......rather the new fangled...'fat and proud' PC correct boooohooolock that is put out.

We seem to go from one extreme to another....first thin is fat is ok..... But in is not.....but there is not an awful lot that some can do about adopt the camouflage it as best you can mode. Unfortunately that is difficult in very hot weather....which is when the real horrors sometimes come out.

Anyway....we all have to live with what we have got....however we have got it.....and in our own way.....but ....that does not stop me waking up and thinking (often out loud) why can i not be thin again please.

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