Sporting scores

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Out of interest, is this a common problem, i know i havent been shooting long but ive not come across a lot of bitching and moaning regarding people winning HG on really high scores, fairplay to em.
As has been mentioned earlier its any number of factors coming into play on that particular day that can effect ones overall score. If the targets suit and i am working hard then I can shoot above my average. If they dont and or the targets are too hard for my experience level, especially on england selection shoots and some majors, my score is a lot lower,that just makes me more determined to improve and come back fighting next time

I remember shooting grimesthorpe a couple of years ago.i started badly with a 2 and 3 on the first few stands.then got my head down and shot the rest fairly well.ended on 78 got back to the clubhouse and was shocked to be leading my class(A) by 5 clays which is how it finished,so hard shoots can sometimes bring results.


A very interesting topic.

I think once we achieved a 100 straight in Sporting regularly the novelty would wear off and we would look for another challenge.

But how many 100 Registered straights have there been ? Not many.

Skeet for example is seen as being easy, but once again it is only the misses that were hard targets.

White Gold for example, targets are not difficult but rarely straight.

I think a grounds targets reflect the ability of the ground owner, constant changes, tricky angles etc., indicate to me that the target setter is a shooting person. Same old, same old targets tells me the ground are not too bothered about the competitor and more interested in profit.

Ho mr Harris last week you called me a pikey from down south , this week I'm changable with lots of different angles to me , can't wait till next week !!!! .

For me sporting should NOT be set for 100 straights. There are plenty of superb shots now who can put big scores in on harder courses but to set them up with the idea of multiple 100s would stop me shooting it. It's the reason that I went so many years without shooting an international fitasc major, its almost miss and out.

Sporting should be a test, yes someone can pull a blinder and shoot 97/8/9 but if you look at the top 3-5 places I think they should be low 90s, and the class split broken down accordingly.

A good shoot for me has a MIX of birds, some close, some long, fast, slow, different clays etc etc. a genuine 60 yards is a long way (not a clubhouse 60 yards ;-)) but is very breakable if presented right. Also nothing wrong with a 10ft driven/rabit, needs a totally different technique but can be done consistently if you have put the time in to learn.

I do feel shoots are getting a bit softer, and I actively avoid the ones that I see as soft as I do it for fun, which for me is shooting a variety of birds.

People are also getting better, there are now 20-30 lads who could win a major, where as a few years back it was a handful.

100 straights are an amazing achievement but for me it is not what sporting is about.
A bit like what i was trying to say only proper

To be fair - this wasn't coming into land - and probably seven feet is an exaggeration (but one used by a few people)  - it was a very low, very quick driven with a  small window of opportunity - here is a photo taken by Ben_W and lifted from the Facebook page (sorry Ben!)

There was only two types of shot on this from my squad - dust, or missed....

wood hoop 2.jpg
No problem, steal anything you like.

Dad, Roy, Brett and Arnie missed that close driven. Not hard to hit but bloody easy to miss, you had very little time.

It was a effin' good shoot, very testing in all departments and very entertaining.

I had a few chuckles hearing people swearing at missing the close driven or the orange over the hedge on Barn layout. Concentrating hard on getting in position for the monster teal they missed the close orange.

You had all speeds and distances.

Keep it up Steve.

cheers ben nothig will change on my side .i could hardly believe your dad and roy cherry missing the close crosser thinking to much about the monster teal ,your dad came off smiled and said thats what its all about they dont need to be 90 yards away to miss em , thats spoken by a shooter who knows as much about this game as any body .


Excuse me Mr. Chairman, where did I mention you when I talked about decent targets?

I thought it was Alison who was the Boss?

Just seen the last 4 days scores at RBSS !!!! the wind must be making this one a REAL tough set of targets this week  :hunter:

Did you video any of the shoot ben ? The ones you did at grimsthorpe fitasc last year where superb


I did yes. Currently uploading it but it's taking ages. It's about 30 mins long and I had to remove all the swearing that was aimed at the driven! :) ha. should be online tomorrow.

Great video Ben liked the sound effects when your dad missed :hunter:  , looked a bloody cold day though with lots of good targets and some nasty ones to catch you out. Keep up the good work well done !

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I think the simple answer is No it doesn’t matter what a shoot is won on as long as everyone enjoys it, As a course setter I’ve had shoots won on scores ranging from 85 up to 99, my dad’s had a couple of his straighted. As a shooter and course setter like Steve it can be hard to strike the right balance between keeping it enjoyable for the lower classes yet still challenging for the top shooters and I will be the first to admit I don’t always get it right. I remember the shoot that was won with 85 I looked at it in the morning and thought it was a technical shoot but not hard and was expecting a winning score around 91-93 but it either shot harder than it looked or everyone had an off day who knows. But all the feedback I got was positive and people enjoyed it.

I shoot for fun because I enjoy it, but want to be entertained and challenged at the same time. I also enjoy setting targets just as much, but I can assure you it’s much harder to get that right.
I won my first overall HG at your place Adam on 82. Granted it was a hard shoot made almost impossible by gale force winds. I was the only one to break 80 I think. Here's the scorecard.

