Sporting scores

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To be fair - this wasn't coming into land - and probably seven feet is an exaggeration (but one used by a few people)  - it was a very low, very quick driven with a  small window of opportunity - here is a photo taken by Ben_W and lifted from the Facebook page (sorry Ben!)

There was only two types of shot on this from my squad - dust, or missed....

wood hoop 2.jpg
my favourite! :fie:

To be fair - this wasn't coming into land - and probably seven feet is an exaggeration (but one used by a few people)  - it was a very low, very quick driven with a  small window of opportunity - here is a photo taken by Ben_W and lifted from the Facebook page (sorry Ben!)

There was only two types of shot on this from my squad - dust, or missed....

wood hoop 2.jpg
same results on our squad, but i would say it wasnt quick (as it only landed 5yds behind you on the track) and if you had a landing net you could have easily caught it. theres no suprise people were missing it you probably have a sub 3 inch pattern at that range. i got lucky and hit both of mine, yet i think roy cherry missed them both.

same results on our squad, but i would say it wasnt quick (as it only landed 5yds behind you on the track) and if you had a landing net you could have easily caught it. theres no suprise people were missing it you probably have a sub 3 inch pattern at that range. i got lucky and hit both of mine, yet i think roy cherry missed them both.
Fair comment - not quick, but a very short window of opportunity.

I still think when all said and done there is no such thing as an easy or a hard shoot . What I do know is certain presentations suit some more than others myself personally am capable of winning shoots on 97 and am also capable of shooting a79 so when people have good days say well done instead of grumbling another sh*t shoot and let's all enjoy it and put a bit of fun into it at same time

JIM the argument with clays resembling game birds with me is a no goer game is game , clays are clays simple and you never know you might have a very low target at a shoot near you soon . !!!!

I still think when all said and done there is no such thing as an easy or a hard shoot . What I do know is certain presentations suit some more than others myself personally am capable of winning shoots on 97 and am also capable of shooting a79 so when people have good days say well done instead of grumbling another sh*t shoot and let's all enjoy it and put a bit of fun into it at same time

JIM the argument with clays resembling game birds with me is a no goer game is game , clays are clays simple and you never know you might have a very low target at a shoot near you soon . !!!!
Dont spoil my only day out with trick shooting please, your better than that, like emmsy said a three inch pattern thats not sporting.

Dont spoil my only day out with trick shooting please, your better than that, like emmsy said a three inch pattern thats not sporting.
it was 2 birds out of 100 Jim, get over it.

if it was a pigeon you wouldnt even bother but they get thrown as clays and you have to go at them, simples!

Dont spoil my only day out with trick shooting please, your better than that, like emmsy said a three inch pattern thats not sporting.
I shot/blew apart a driven Jay on beaters day, out the trees over my right shoulder @roughly 5-6yds...should I have let it go because it wasn't 'sporting' :D

I shot/blew apart a driven Jay on beaters day, out the trees over my right shoulder @roughly 5-6yds...should I have let it go because it wasn't 'sporting' :D
have you had game shooting lessons from M Y by any chance :)

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For me sporting should NOT be set for 100 straights. There are plenty of superb shots now who can put big scores in on harder courses but to set them up with the idea of multiple 100s would stop me shooting it. It's the reason that I went so many years without shooting an international fitasc major, its almost miss and out.

Sporting should be a test, yes someone can pull a blinder and shoot 97/8/9 but if you look at the top 3-5 places I think they should be low 90s, and the class split broken down accordingly.

A good shoot for me has a MIX of birds, some close, some long, fast, slow, different clays etc etc. a genuine 60 yards is a long way (not a clubhouse 60 yards ;-)) but is very breakable if presented right. Also nothing wrong with a 10ft driven/rabit, needs a totally different technique but can be done consistently if you have put the time in to learn.

I do feel shoots are getting a bit softer, and I actively avoid the ones that I see as soft as I do it for fun, which for me is shooting a variety of birds.

People are also getting better, there are now 20-30 lads who could win a major, where as a few years back it was a handful.

100 straights are an amazing achievement but for me it is not what sporting is about.

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Ed I agree with you totally the point I am trying to get across is nothing to do with shoot setups easy or hard but when someone like yourself , nick Hendrick , etc etc shoot a big score it should be seen as a good achievement because it does take some doing

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The easy-shoot function on my sat-nav isn't working. My last four reg shoots have been won on 91,91,92,91. The one before that was a 96, but that was a freak score, 6 clear of the rest of the big entry.


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Try Horne ;-)
I bloody did! Court farm a while back. It was won by Jamie Brightman on 90! I was fifth overall on 79, winning A.

It was their Court Farm ground, which is MUCH more fiddly than Gatton Bottom, especially at a reg where they step it up.. I'm cursed :)

Consider yourself lucky then my man! You will learn much more from those kind of shoots! It's not all about the scores...

glad to hear your not going change Mr Lovatt, personally it's down to people's enjoyment & what gives them the buz on a weekend, but if ur in B or C class & banging in high 80's etc unfortunately you will be in AA & take it from me it's a bloody hard class to do well in, there is some quality good shots out there & it's hard competing. There's a fine line between easy shoots & totall dogs waste of cartridges, personally in AA it dosent matter if you win with 85 or 98 but in the lower classes you will rocket fast then the sand flows, unfortunately it's reality but hey ho plenty room in AA
It's worth remembering that right now (April) is near the end of the grading period, so it is NORMAL that the fast advancing shooters in all lower classes are now shooting 'a class above', in terms of scores. In theory, June should see most odd scores ironed out for a while..
