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or posts like this putting a bit of fun down. Go kick the cat. 
Joking aside, there's many posts that begin as a potentially interesting discussion but quickly become sidetracked by private jokes shared by a few individuals. 

It probably makes sense to them but for everyone else, it just seems daft.

Thats no way to talk to Matt. Apologise immediately!
I can take it. 

Joking aside, there's many posts that begin as a potentially interesting discussion but quickly become sidetracked by private jokes shared by a few individuals. 

It probably makes sense to them but for everyone else, it just seems daft.
I agree with this - a lot of threads get derailed.... but the alternative is to have them moderated and then I get criticism that the site is over moderated. Its a difficult line to tread. 

I can take it. 

I agree with this - a lot of threads get derailed.... but the alternative is to have them moderated and then I get criticism that the site is over moderated. Its a difficult line to tread. 
maybe we could have a with or without added humour button? :lol:

sian  losing a prize in that fashion is not right ,  your ticket won end of  ,   it winds me up  and that's not good for my bp   ,   they should say at the time of purchase ,  you must be present to win  . 

sian  losing a prize in that fashion is not right ,  your ticket won end of  ,   it winds me up  and that's not good for my bp   ,   they should say at the time of purchase ,  you must be present to win  . 
It was in the rules I just forgot you had to be there, in fact by the time I'd shot I'd forgot there was a draw even.  I'm not unhappy about it, it is what it is.  Don't be upset life is too short.

Joking aside, there's many posts that begin as a potentially interesting discussion but quickly become sidetracked by private jokes shared by a few individuals. 

It probably makes sense to them but for everyone else, it just seems daft.
Fair point, well made. 

Joking aside, there's many posts that begin as a potentially interesting discussion but quickly become sidetracked by private jokes shared by a few individuals. 

It probably makes sense to them but for everyone else, it just seems daft.
Well don't read them then. Problem solved!

Joking aside, there's many posts that begin as a potentially interesting discussion but quickly become sidetracked by private jokes shared by a few individuals. 

It probably makes sense to them but for everyone else, it just seems daft.
Daft?  And just what is that you'd expect from persons obsessed with shooting crockery?  


i totally refuse to have anything to do with twitter,instagram or any other social media bollocks i feel it is for people incapable of operating in the real world.

How ironic that you are an active contributor to this forum ....... the very definition of a social media platform! :)  

Considering that the outside world sees shotgun owners as posh neanderthal types this forum is spectacularly restrained! Even at the height of some of the bitching that went on last year you guys ( and gals ) have never come close to the pure hatred, bigotry, bias and intolerance that I have witnessed on forums about flying, sailing and motor vehicles.

Bunch of amateurs the lot of ya!

Perhaps that says something about the membership, we are well balanced individuals except when it comes to choke, cartridge or gun selections!


I know I haven't been around long on here but when I first started out this place was a great source of help and knowledge but then I noticed that people where reluctant at times to answer newbie questions as it where. I was told to "do a search for it" on some topics I was asking. So turned to Facebook for my answers there a many different groups on there for many different aspects of shooting. Which I found helpfull I have since gone on to meet members of certain Facebook groups and have made some good friends. That is the main reason I don't use this forum much anymore 

Yes it does tell me tells me that the moderator of the SCTA Facebook page is a namby pamby, fog knitter somewhat like you!!! 
Ahhh.....this is more like it!!! I do love those little terms of endearment!  :D
