Shoot of my life (A lockdown time filler)

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Your very welcome Lloyd I'm glad you enjoyed the day, one thing I did overlook was to ask you whether you where left or right handed

When you mounted the gun on the first stand I thought oh sh@t he's left handed and that's a right handed gun ! Ok well there is nothing we can do about it now I just hope he hits a few and enjoys himself 

We can do it again when you have your license as I don't know anyone with a left handed gun you could borrow 

Regards Carl 
It would be my pleasure Carl. I know Maxine enjoyed the day too and meeting your better half.

To be fair to you, shooting a right handed gun was the least of my problems! 😀

The licence is taking an age,  but given the restrictions thus year it’s understandable. Cest le vie

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Now I maybe an engineer and I do like maths somewhat, but really? 😱 I want to relax of a weekend of shooting 
THAT is why you leave it to the Referee and scorer to work out  !   My maths are rubbish, as you can no doubt see. 25/75 being the maximum. I had gone back to some old shooting diaries and mixed up the scores per round with the TOTAL scores, if that makes sense  ?    🙄

My most memorable shoot was in Cape Town 6 years ago, shot the Fitasc first, dropped my last 2 targets and came third in ladies, losing second by 2 targets!  My first time on the podium grinning from ear to ear.  The following weekend was the Compac, I don’t know if it was because your in holiday mode etc but was very relaxed, had a wonderful squad and everything flowed and felt right.  Had my first ever 24/25 which I thought would be the highlight for me only to find I was joint second in the ladies and had to have a shoot off!  Never been so petrified in my life and I remember telling Nigel Fossey (a great shooter who used to live in the UK abut now resides in South Africa) to just let the Italian lady have second and I’ll make do with the bronze medal!  He laughed and said it didn’t work like that I had to do the shoot off.  Phil told me not to look at anyone when going from stand to stand and to concentrate which I done so well that when we finished I didn’t have a clue who had won!  I did and got the silver and another go on the podium.  Love that place.  
When we went back the following year I was following Chris Childerhouse, now he’s tall and I’m short, he shoots fast I don’t, but I really didn’t feel well at all and shot badly.  Three days later, in agony and hallucinating etc I was rushed into hospital for emergency surgery, I’d had a burst appendix but had tried to ignore it as we was on holiday and didn’t want to ruin it.  The following morning at 6.30 am Phil arrives in the ICU to see me, I asked him what time he was shooting and he replied “how can I go knowing you’re in here”? I replied that he might as well go as they wouldn’t let him stay in ICU all day and it would take his mind off of it.  He returned later that evening very sheepish.  I asked him how he got on, who he shot with etc. He had been squadded with Martin Myers, Nick Hendrick and Chris and a few other good shots.  He shot 93, his best ever score, I think I remember rightly it was only Martin that beat him.  He put it down to being so thankful and relaxed that I was going to be OK.  

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Yeah there are many memorable moments. My second reg shoot was at Caterham Clays in 2005, now closed down. It was ‘earthy’ to say the least. As you drove in you just saw a muddy car park and a big skip. Went on my own, knew nobody, my car and clothing didn’t fit in, everybody seemed to know each other, didn’t understand the lady in the sales hut, first time handing my card in at stands, you name it. I hit 57 and was pleased as punch having seen targets I had never experienced before and about then I decided I would give this game a good go. 
Caterham was my baptism of fire. Never shot in so much mud whilst clinging to the side of a valley. The stand in the car park was brilliant, felt like you were just throwing lead into an abyss, and yet I still managed to hit some.

2 June 2016 in C class 86/100 at EJC sporting just seeing my name in among A, AA and AAA names, winning my class 12 clays ahead of the next best C.  Seem to be on the way back down to C these days so who knows might do it again.  😂

2 June 2016 in C class 86/100 at EJC sporting just seeing my name in among A, AA and AAA names, winning my class 12 clays ahead of the next best C.  Seem to be on the way back down to C these days so who knows might do it again.  😂
EJC mine too, May 2015, was working in Manchester and due to finish early, lovely steady drive down, warm and sunny and luckily bumped into a few other regular shooting chums, hardly missed a clay until last four stands and shot 86, last stand ref took a peek at card and said “you won’t stay in C long” well he got that wrong I’m still there. 

One of my best was my first ever visit to Hodnet using my Miroku 800 HSW Montecarlo trap gun. It was 150 bird comp, 100 Sporting,  25 ABT and 25 Skeet. I shot 92 on sporting,  24 on ABT and 23 on the  skeet. Been quite a few times  since but never bettered that performance.  Great shoot and a great gun (still have it but rarely used these days)

Tho I was never Mr. Wonderful and was never more than mid-list at the end, I always enjoyed the pigeon shoots where I got to do some serious BS'ing with some of the best pigeon shooters in the US including a couple World Champions.  All in all good folks and good times.

Probably AGL June 2018. Booked the day off work and went along to this on my own. Straighted the first two stands and then the fourth and sixth to be only 3 away on the first 50.  Started thinking about score a bit at that point and wobbled on the next couple of stands, dropping 3 on each.  Rallied a bit with only 1 or 2 away on each of the next stands and finished with a straight for a PB of 87.  The shoot happened to coincide with my 50th birthday, probably the best pressie I had that year!
