Results from westfields

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CPSA tell me it is simply a matter of two clicks to send out a PDF of scores once they are entered (which is done at the shoot). Clay Shooting Co like to get all organised with class winners and prize money before announcing scores. Personally I would rather just see the big list ASAP..

Give them chance guys.... think running two big shoots in quick succession was a big ask...we don't normally have to wait long so sure they will get them out asap...

I know CPSA was shut too so that may have some bearing on them getting the lists....

Give them chance guys.... think running two big shoots in quick succession was a big ask...we don't normally have to wait long so sure they will get them out asap...

I know CPSA was shut too so that may have some bearing on them getting the lists....
The CPSA is shut so no ground will have its scores posted there until at least the 3rd in theory. But it's two clicks to send a PDF to an email group..

william behave yourself , abit like you couldnt be bothered to come to westfield yesterday because of the weather , i was at the ground at 6 am didnt get home till 7.30 pm totally knackered and then had to go to dinner with friends so didnt bother until now 

anyway they are up now and hopefully see you at ejc on thursday 


Thanks chaps, looking forward to it although the major downside is no week day shooting! Happy New Year to you all hope the hangovers aren't too bad!!

CPSA tell me it is simply a matter of two clicks to send out a PDF of scores once they are entered (which is done at the shoot). Clay Shooting Co like to get all organised with class winners and prize money before announcing scores. Personally I would rather just see the big list ASAP..
If the ground just publishes a list quickly then I imagine it gives people a chance to query any apparent mistakes in the scores.  Once a list is all organised in classes and ordered allocating prize money one assumes that the declared result is final or can it still be challenged?

If the ground just publishes a list quickly then I imagine it gives people a chance to query any apparent mistakes in the scores.  Once a list is all organised in classes and ordered allocating prize money one assumes that the declared result is final or can it still be challenged?
You need to discuss with a ground owner, but I think errors etc are rare and get sorted on the day. The scores get sent to CPSA who publish them with no checking of course. The prize money and class stuff is nothing to do with CPSA. Anyway, you could send them out and say 'provisional'.

Nobody I know cares about seeing the classes all listed separately etc. It's easy to see from the main list anyway. What everybody cares about is not waiting to see scores. If it were my ground, I would send them out from the shooting ground before I left on the day, as long as I had enough 3G to tether from my phone..
