Remington cartridges

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2013
Hay - on - wye
Hi all, has anyone tried the Remington cartridges currently on the market ? My local gun shop is recommending these at the moment and I wondered what people thought of them.

I shot Remington cartridges years ago and didn't think they were to bad.

Thoughts please

Hi Ashley there's a thread in cartridges about them may be worth a read.. How much is Neil selling them for in bulk ? as it says in the thread he's a stockist 

Cheers Gareth , wondered why no one replied yet will take a look. Neil is selling them at £210 per thousand, and I'm wondering whether to try some. Need to stock up for the white gold cup and other stuff. Tried all the gun shops in a fifty mile radius for white gold, black gold or clever T3s but no joy from anyone. Most said they only get these brands to order because general customers won't pay big money for cartridges, they want cheap and cheerful

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Which Remingtons are those Ashley, if they're the International Comp then that's a great price.

NASG (Clever importer) are just up the road from me and I do quite like the T2, my 2nd choice until I find something I like better.

In comparison to the 28g mirage T3's and T4's I found them a bit harder on the shoulder. Kills ok though.

Not sure Bryn, Neil recommended them as he knows I like quality cartridges and won't shoot cheap stuff at comps, he's been an international for 20 years, so knows a good cartridge when he comes across one

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Thanks Sidney, did you get yours from Neil's ? I know the T3s are smooth and was hoping Neil still stocked them, but he said it takes him 2 years to sell the amount he has to buy You know how small the shop is, and in all fairness he does try to keep everyone happy

hi ashley

if you are near cwmbran drop in to css it in two locks,  they have gamebore fill there cartridges with white gold power and primers, we started use them in the last few weeks and got to say how smooth they are.

we alway use whitegold but something is different, they change the brass cap to a bigger one seems more recoil not so smooth.

they are 174per 1000 fib-

plas 166 i think.

mork clay shoot sell whitegold

cheers john

Thanks johnt , I rang Dave at ccs this afternoon he has no white or black gold or superbs , he told me gamebore are short of cases at the moment and he's waiting for his delivery which is going to be about 3 weeks.

I have shot the ccs cartridges and the ones in the gold cases were good, but I really didn't like the cheaper red cased versions

Will give Maurice a call at mork tomorrow,

Thanks for trying to help


Used to get them from Neil's, been shooting Clever mirage since 2009, keep trying other brands but always come back to them, hard to beat in my humble opinion. Even the cheaper T2's shoot really well, just not quite as clean. Neil's a good guy, he got me started in the sport years ago, as you said though a lot of his customers want a bargain cartridge. I look at it like this.. The difference in cost over the year between me shooting a cheapish cartridge or my Clevers works out at approx £400 a year.... I'd rather save money on accommodation and less beer and shoot the shell I have confidence in. Last year or so I have been buying from JK at Griffin Lloyd as they are Mirage fans. Have a feeling they might be stocking some other brands soon so looking for another source. Have bought direct from North Ayrshire, but I can't buy a big enough amount to warrant haggling for a bulk discount. To be fair to them they ship nice and quickly, easy to deal with.

Sidney, I know jk and family very well, they are lovely people. Haven't been there for 12 months or so, I think his sporting is set on the best terrain Wales has to offer, but the last few times we've had so many no birds because the traps are not covered that it's got expensive to shoot a 100 practice. They now charge a percentage of no birds and off course if you try and spread your 100 over 15 stands, and the first shooter sees a pair, they all go on the clay mate. Don't get me wrong they are there to make money, (and some people have taken advantage off John and Joyce's generous nature in the past ) but I feel it's gone a bit to far the other way.

How's the new trap layouts up there ? I heard they spent a lot of money on new layouts.

I've seen you shooting at jks but never seen you about hay, where abouts do yo live? I'm out in the Clifford area

The remmingtons on sale in the uk are loaded by B&P in Italy and are too expensive at £210 per 1000 nothing like a £210 cartridge should be ,I will stick with proper cartridges


I'm from near Eardisley so not far from you, always socialised in Hay, and spent the last couple of years working in Cusop so when people ask where I'm from I say Hay on Wye as it's well known!

The Lewis' are absolute stars, they have helped me a lot, doubt I would have kept at the sport If it wasn't for their encouragement. I understand where you are coming from regarding the sporting, unfortunately it only take a few muppets trying to pull a fast one to mess things up for everyone else. Still lots of work going on there, new Olympic skeet range currently being built, more solar panels going in on the sporting traps to cut down battery problems, and I would assume some of the promatics taken out of the trench layouts will be replacing some of the older sporting traps?? Just a guess. The Matterelli powered layouts are absolutely spot on, unforgiving but great when your doing the job right. You'll have to say hello next time you see me .

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Looking forward to coming down to GL for the first time on the 5th Oct for the Midlands intercounties OT. See you there maybe?


Joe, still have some 32gram Remington/Peters shells left - can't bring myself to use them as once gone there gone as no longer available. Used RXP's exclusively about 20 years ago - they were the mutts nuts, smooth, compression cases for my reloading, no recoil and won more shoots than I care to remember with them. Sadly missed :-(

I'm from near Eardisley so not far from you, always socialised in Hay, and spent the last couple of years working in Cusop so when people ask where I'm from I say Hay on Wye as it's well known!

The Lewis' are absolute stars, they have helped me a lot, doubt I would have kept at the sport If it wasn't for their encouragement. I understand where you are coming from regarding the sporting, unfortunately it only take a few muppets trying to pull a fast one to mess things up for everyone else. Still lots of work going on there, new Olympic skeet range currently being built, more solar panels going in on the sporting traps to cut down battery problems, and I would assume some of the promatics taken out of the trench layouts will be replacing some of the older sporting traps?? Just a guess. The Matterelli powered layouts are absolutely spot on, unforgiving but great when your doing the job right. You'll have to say hello next time you see me .
Yes Sidney, I will probably be around at jk,s during the winter and will introduce myself if I see you.

Cheers, Ashley
