Notice of CPSA Extraordinary Meeting !

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Bizarre, that they could even come up with a date that is already being used for a Championship .

It really does go to show how out of touch with reality they are. No it is not smart, clever or even devious, it is downright inefficient.

I read Mr. Fellows's reply to Nicola where he stated that whilst in San Antonio he spent time with potential sponsors .

Would that have been Barnum & Bailey by any chance? Or Ronald McDonald?

If it was not for Edgar Brothers and Brian Jardine of Promatic it is safe to say that we would not have any sponsorship for any of our National Championships and their money and patience will soon dry up.

Diversionary answering and diversionary questions avoid having to answer the question 'were you at the opening ceremony'.

I know for a fact that one of the meetings held was a complete failure. If I can get a copy of the letter I will post on the Questions to a CEO thread.

The membership should not be treated like idiots and given politician type answers ...full of hot air ...glossy description....and no actual substance. What sponsors.....what meetings,,,,what success....?

So when the EGM is empty and the Articles passed ......expect this avoidance of answering get a lot worse...

....just saying..!

There seems to be a view that we are going to lie down and assume that the new Articles will be passed!

I think we ought to do what we did for the AGM and appoint a proxy holder to vote against them if that's what everyone wants.

I can't believe that all those who show no interest in competitions show any greater interest in the new Articles or anything else.

How many of you that belong to insurance companies, building societies, hold shares in some of UK plc companies and fill in and return your proxy forms even though they have reply paid voting cards etc?

Let's not just let it happen for the sake of a bit of effort - you never know we might win and perhaps change the future of the CPSA for the better. 

Hey Julesy, are you sure?

Surely our Board of Directors could not have made such an elementary mistake. Or don't Skeet shooters matter?
Neither myself nor 2 of my colleagues will be able to attend now, it's either us or the skeeters that they don't like!!!!

well this skeeter will be there jules and a lot more cancell the intercountis have it the week after

No chance Joe, I'll give my proxy to someone trustworthy though :)

I have no doubt that you and others will represent us superbly :)

There seems to be a view that we are going to lie down and assume that the new Articles will be passed!

I think we ought to do what we did for the AGM and appoint a proxy holder to vote against them if that's what everyone wants.

I can't believe that all those who show no interest in competitions show any greater interest in the new Articles or anything else.

How many of you that belong to insurance companies, building societies, hold shares in some of UK plc companies and fill in and return your proxy forms even though they have reply paid voting cards etc?

Let's not just let it happen for the sake of a bit of effort - you never know we might win and perhaps change the future of the CPSA for the better.
Any ideas who I should give my proxy vote to? I'd like to vote against the new articles

The proxy vote will be distributed shortly with the next issue of Pull! and there are the beginnings of a 'ground-swell' to Vote NO to the new Articles of Association. If you want to retain your voting rights for a Chairman and Independent Directors of the members' choice, No vote is the only solution. I will be voting NO.

I understand the votes can be cast by post, by proxy or in person. I will be there to witness the event and hope we can get a good response from the 23000 members.

Don't lose your control of the organisation through failing to vote.

Bob M

Will I even get a card as I am a family member joined to my husband so we get one Pull Magazine between us.  My daughter does get her own magazine and I think at 17 possibly does not get to vote?  So maybe I can take her card.  

I will not be going as it clashes with an inaugural Helice shoot.

No one cares anyway......

Only 8 people could be bothered to complete the online survey for the new draft articles.....and I was one of them.....this info is according to our SER director in his email to the region last weekend.

He also still cannot point out what the 30 'substantive' changes were. Everyone is now asking him the same questions.

What is strange is that none of the board could answer the questions either.....they all had to wait until the CEO came back from his 10 day holiday.

The communication is poor and un-prepared to say the least.....from a director and a board who we are to 'let get on with it' once they have been voted in (ooooops ...walked into un-opposed) to their positions.

Well you get what you cannot be arsed to vote for............Enjoy..!

I also completed the on line survey and I can be "arsed" to vote I just can't attend the EGM in person. So if I cannot find a suitable person to give my proxy to, who I can trust to vote against the articles, what are the alternatives to ensure my vote gets counted?

And at the risk of restarting an old debate which proxy form is actually valid? If they include the new form in the Pull magazine which will undoubtedly give my vote to the chairman at some point, but which has NOT been approved by the membership will the current simpler proxy form be allowed?

A fully open proxy would allow your voter to vote and assess anything that happened at the meeting. (Download from Cpsa articles on website)

Only an idiot would give a fully open proxy to someone they did not trust.

Personally I would also give your proxy holder a signed note stating either your yes or no.....but stating that you want them to decide on your behalf anything that is discussed at the EGM.

If you use the one to be sent in MUST cross out the bit about letting the vote default to the Chairman ....if you are against the new changes and you must actually make a vote on the form of either yes or no....and you must sign it.

It means that you must allocate it to the name of someone going to the EGM.

Just in from the CPSA website........they'll pay for your vote!

CPSA Articles - Important Notice for all members

You may be aware that, at this year's AGM, it was agreed that the Association was in need of a new constitution and that a new set of Articles of Association should be drawn up. The purpose of this was to ensure the Association had a modern, robust and appropriate governance document to take it forward.

The first steps on this road have now been taken, including drawing up new Articles following the advice of a highly experienced lawyer in this field and consulting on the first draft with each Regional Committee.

Following members feedback we now have the proposed new Articles . Proxy Forms relating to the special resolution regarding the overhaul of the Articles of Association will be issued with October's edition of PULL!

Following the example of many other organisations which encourage their members to use proxy forms to vote on important issues the CPSA has arranged for a donation of 50p to be made to charity for every official proxy form (the post-paid one in Pull magazine) returned to HQ.

We are indebted to Bob Barrett of Barrett’s of Caterham, Chris Potter of Chris Potter Country Sports, Ian Mulliner of Mulliner Guns and Peter Duffield of Dartford CSC who will each donate 10p to McMillan Cancer Support per official form returned. Ian Coley of Ian Coley Shooting School will also donate 10p per official form returned. Ian’s chosen charity is RAF Bomber Command Benevolent Fund as Ian’s late father flew with Bomber Command during WWII and won the DFC.

Thus 50p will be donated to charity for each official proxy form returned by 5:30pm on 16th October 2013, whichever way you decide to vote.

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on 19th October at the Holiday Inn, in Crick, Northampton to take a decision on the special resolution to amend the Articles.
Very interesting.

Bob M

Well at the moment the 'official' proxy form is also a valid 'open' proxy or a proxy from the website showing the resolution. If a proxy appears with a comment stating a default to the Chairman....then we have a problem because 1) We do not currently have a Chairman..... And 2) that type has not yet been passed by our AGM....the current articles allows for the assigner to state two proxy holders of 'their' own choice.

.....true story..!

I applaud the charity aspect connected to the returns...well done those people.

But we must stay within the current Articles until the vote changes them.

"The Chairman" on the day will be friendly to the Board/Bobby so be careful!

If the current articles which is what it should be until the changes are voted in then it could be any registered named member of your choice.

Last time when I submitted my Proxy form to the CEO I asked for confirmation that it was valid!

I have renewed my membership until September 2014 to give me a vote on this!

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Neither myself nor 2 of my colleagues will be able to attend now, it's either us or the skeeters that they don't like!!!!
I wont be going also, so who can I pass my proxy vote too ?


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