Methods of lead

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2012
Was shooting yesterday and consciously tried to figure out what method I use, first time I tried this and it's a mix up of everything, but I noticed on crossers I seem to come from behind the first pair slowly go to the lead hold the lead (match gun speed ) and shoot, put after the first pair I shoot the rest maintained with the lead picture I seen, any one else do this ? Before I tried this I would have said without any doubt I shoot all crossers maintained

Will - that is not true and you know it! You have to be able to use all the various methods if you want to be a very good shot. This means accelerated lead (come from behind), maintained lead, pull away and spot shooting. Now 90% of all your shots may only use one of these methods but you would be surprised how often you would use the others once you learn to shoot them and what targets to use them on.

I interpreted Will's comment to mean on each target.....pick what works for you.....which could differ as the targets differ.

Exactly Miss Tink. What she said.

I tried very hard to just have one method (my 'pull away, then maintain the lead' thing) but definitely need swing through and full maintained on just a few..

Ah - apologises, yes on reflect that is how your post reads... Is it Sunday yet?

Well I am trying everything in the tool box at the minute and still got eliminated (4th) but this is hardcore as only the winner gets the honours....I got the whisky and coke :wink:

Clever I shoot crossers maintain lead but not the first pair ? Think I'm being to careful with the first pair making sure of line or I'm to scared to hold my gun far enough out forcing me to come from behind ? I didn't even know I did it but I definitely do, I'm going to keep an eye on it, I have a feeling it's hold point and I adjust after the first pair

Clever I shoot crossers maintain lead but not the first pair ? Think I'm being to careful with the first pair making sure of line or I'm to scared to hold my gun far enough out forcing me to come from behind ? I didn't even know I did it but I definitely do, I'm going to keep an eye on it, I have a feeling it's hold point and I adjust after the first pair
Sorry that my first response was blunt.. But yes, work out what your thought process is and repeat it so that you are not changing anything. I often see people changing their hold point and/ or gun speed during a stand. They are keeping the sight picture constant but results are all over the place due to other things changing. Hold, speed and gap all need to be the same every time (if its working).

Clever I shoot crossers maintain lead but not the first pair ? Think I'm being to careful with the first pair making sure of line or I'm to scared to hold my gun far enough out forcing me to come from behind ? I didn't even know I did it but I definitely do, I'm going to keep an eye on it, I have a feeling it's hold point and I adjust after the first pair
if your killing all of them then there is no problem!! Stick with it.
Thanks clever and no your first response was not blunt, I asked for opinions you give yours, and I think your right Im not very good at making a plan before I get in the cage and don't really think about the shot until I'm taking it

My instinctive shot on crossers is swing through. However, if that doesn't work (on the first pair) I revert to pull-away.
Unfortunately, the problem I find with swing through is I frequently lose at least one target by pushing in front of it and I very rarely straight a stand with crossers. I start off fine but I get 3/4 or 4/5 because I'll drop one in the middle. I can feel myself do it and then am able to correct it on the next pair.
I've tried to be more steady and start with pull away but I usually struggled to find the target and my scores just went down. I just like shooting with gun speed but it's very hard to be consistent with it.

My instinctive shot on crossers is swing through. However, if that doesn't work (on the first pair) I revert to pull-away. Unfortunately, the problem I find with swing through is I frequently lose at least one target by pushing in front of it and I very rarely straight a stand with crossers. I start off fine but I get 3/4 or 4/5 because I'll drop one in the middle. I can feel myself do it and then am able to correct it on the next pair. I've tried to be more steady and start with pull away but I usually struggled to find the target and my scores just went down. I just like shooting with gun speed but it's very hard to be consistent with it.
. Try maintained lead, when I shoot crossers I always try and be in control of the clay!! So I keep the gun out to where ever it feels right (which comes through practice) as the clay comes to the gun, move with it control the lead, kill!!
I seem to naturally shoot maintained lead. Has it's disadvantages on anything with a tricky angle, so I'm trying to use pull away when my usual approach doesn't work.  Not really got to grips with it properly yet.  More practice is the answer.
