Just home from spending a lovely day beating in West Wales whilst Tony shot a friend’s pheasant shoot. Always a good day and I really love watching the dogs work. It’s not a big bag shoot, 6 guns and today the bag was 46. Plenty of birds that flew in windy conditions and all the guns enjoyed the day immensely. Just before we were setting out hail hammered down but then we had a blowy but dry shoot. The birds were lovely and a good size. I always get to take family pet a Sealyham Terrier called Willy, such a character and he loves flushing out the birds. 5 drives and on the last drive I was driving the birds that flew the wrong way back over the guns. I have never run so hard left and right flapping my flag in a field which also contained two suspicious donkeys who don’t like Willy. We got a few to turn back. The meal was delicious, a teal, pheasant and pigeon casserole with mashed potatoes and green beans followed by apple pie and custard. The port flowed and I partook of a few glasses. I don’t drink as a rule but his port is always very special. A few pictures Willy and one of the dogs the host and a picture of the outside of the shootroom.
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely place