Incomers, any heads up tip(s)

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
Incomers, the ones that are below head height and drop well in front, as of late I can't get anywhere near them, any heads up things for me try? 

Not seeing the target i.e. distance, speed, the line (it could be sliding to one side or the other as gravity grabs it...Insert underneath...remember...
"The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't know".

Probably lifting your head, keep it down tight on the stock with the eyes up and locked on to the target

i find if i follow them in all the way with the gun up i miss more often than not.....if i wait and mount at the last minute i hit nearly all?

I find that if I wait until it is almost on the ground and then shoot at that point I can claim a kill, may be a short fluffy rabbits with the Ref/Scorer but they always back down in the end.  Ooops, what date is it ?

P.S. Does not work on fluffy rabbits though !

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I also wait picking up with both eyes and then head on stock, shut eye to take it but there are so many variations of that target.

Start low and come up to them, usually with a fair bit of daylight..............worth a try!

Most of the time it's straight at them. Any I miss I'm seeing something that's not there (lead) I see a lot of them missed underneath too

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For some reason it's a target that you very really ever see smoked, even when most people are hitting them.
I agree and would love to know the reason, it's clearly nothing to do with the number of individual pellet strikes, prolly due to the fact the clays are nearly always at the end of their flight and nearly spent so there's less of an affect from the centrifugal forces helping to tear apart/disintegrate the clay. 

Used to struggle at times, it is now one of the few targets other then rabbits i actually shut one eye, sitting it on the bead for a second then pulling the trigger, probably not text book but works 99% of the time for me.

If your gun fits you well ( just seeing a small amount of rib ) then you need to sit the target on top of the barrels, tight choke is  better for this type of target and try to hit it when its a speed if you leave it till its dropping it becomes harder. A nice trap gun target :smile:

That's the way i shoot them but we are all different :angel:

Shaun has a point they are that type of target that cause eye dominance problems

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I've found the best results for me are to see if there is any sideways movement as they always look to be coing in straighter than they are. I also find if I shoot them before the crest I shoot over the top as they are flattening out all the time so look to be rising faster than what they are actually doing.

I like to shoot them just after they start dropping. At that point I find them easier to read and can keep them insight as they don't go under the gun. 

But,  I'm a trappy so WTF do I know.  :rolleyes:

It's one of the few presentations that must be taken as a swing through shot.  If you approached it any other way(like sustained or pull away lead), you would cover the bird with the barrel and lose sight of it, causing a miss.  So, start behind, swing through with lead and puff the target.
