Guns designed especially for Women

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Yes but if only we knew what ground breaking gun design they were going to do for these odd shaped creatures called women that has not already been addressed by adj this and shortened that. This is the question.
The ground breaking design may not be where the profit comes from. The savvy marketing to attract more ladies is the area to be addressed. I'm not brave enough to call my wife odd shaped.

QUOTE: It's a man's world, at least it is until i get home. :rabbi:

Well the standard size 8 page 3 model variety one would assume , so many variables you may as well pick the media standard model.

Moore K-80 said:
Well Robert if you look back through this thread apparently some women are physically equal to men. Maybe the odd one thats injecting 2ml of testosterone a week but as for the others i don't see it, i am not being sexist in any way but this is life.
Hi Moore, it's not sexist to say (in general) men are stronger than's nature!!! Look at the elite athletes in any sport or any phisical activity and tell me where the women are equal to the men??? Look at any mammal species on the plannet and name how many have phisicaly stronger females than males? Of course there will allways be exceptional phisical specimens, but even they are only stronger than most average men's's evolution. Males evolved to fight, females evolved to have childeren. Nature gives women a disadvantage in many, many things over men, that's just the way we have evolved. I would hate to be a woman, they have it much harder in many ways, childbearing and all it's associated phisical, mental and hormonal problems being the worst!!!

That muppet Chipshot or Chipclay, whatever he's called will probably deny that hormone fluctuations or even the menstral cycle can change a woman's eye dominance several times even in the same day!!!

Most men, in general, have a phisical and even social advantage over, most women...fair of unfair, right or wrong, fact is fact.

Well the standard size 8 page 3 model variety one would assume , so many variables you may as well pick the media standard model.
Size 8 shoes and big enough to cover 3 pages seems to sum up clay shooters of both sexes. :haha:

I would bet that Cheryl Hall would beat most of the men on this forum at Fitasc or English Sporting...just saying

Jessica Rossi (that thin slip of a girl) would easily beat most trap men on this forum....true story

I am struggling to see the sense of some of the inaccurate comments made.... but I am still reading.

Edited for spelling.

(P.s I beat 98 men yesterday and still ended up 4th in the ladies....which in my eyes is 'no where near it' .....but it was still nearer than 98 men)


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 Look at any mammal species on the plannet and name how many have phisicaly stronger females than males? Of course there will allways be exceptional phisical specimens, but even they are only stronger than most average men's's evolution. Males evolved to fight, females evolved to have childeren. 
There are dozens if not hundreds of examples where the female species is stronger, an established phenomenon in insects for a start, a more unfortunate but true example is hyenas. Females are arguably at least as dangerous in a fight or flight situation too, think lionesses protecting their young. Many males have evolved to rely on females for food in return for the odd skirmish and equivalent pub fight.

You do not need strength to shoot well although I'm prepared to accept there are probably certain neurological reasons why on the whole men may for instance be able to see and react to certain targets in a way that predisposes them be more effective, all the more bloody reason to admire women who hold their own if you ask me. 

What women could be said to lack slightly is the ability to withstand prolonged practice which you need to reach the pinnacle of anything. This is not just physical but also based on the realities of the different paths our lives usually dictate. 

My own view on this is that women just aren't stupid or brash enough at a young age as men are to NEED to show off and stamp down their pecking order, we have excess testosterone levels we need to syphon away one way or the other so we practice to hit more, many women consider that almost immature. If you think this through for a minute you'll see how silly we are to blast away week in week out to get more or less what our innate ability has in store for us and then whinge and curse over 2 or 3 that got away unnecessarily. Women don't possess that particular pathetic gene  :lol:  in quite the same volume we do.

I do not see any reason why women would be disadvantaged in shooting. Fare to say that generally women are not as strong but there are also many slightly built men and indeed young males who seem to do ok. I do not think that strength is a pre cursor to good shooting. We have quite a few trap shooters who mix it at top level with men, most of us cannot get anywhere near there scores. nattras was competing at world cup level in the 70s when there wasn't even a choice as i believe there was no female class then. I brought my daughter up to consider herself equal to men in all aspects of life, i would hate to think that the civilised world still had a dickensian view on such matters. My daughter is an accomplished horse rider and competes and usually wins against men, this is just one of many sports that men and women are equal, as is shooting.

Just my opinion.
if we are equal then Ian how about us having everything mixed eg all athletics, men and women's rugby don't really need to say any more! Men are normally stronger and more talented when it comes to sport!! IMHO!! And women are so much better in most aspects of life !!!!
Yes.....bring it on....

I remember mixed hockey..... :wink:

Once played Netball against some fragile gender.

Never again, they are far too rough.

I am surprised no one has commented about the link I posted to the Ladies Perazzi gun on It seemed to be very well received and no reason why every manufacturer could not  supply similar to order.

Reading Tinker Bell's post above regarding the top women shooters not injecting any peformance enhancing drugs has got me thinking. Clearly these women have reached the top of their tree by some means. If you follow Nicola's posts you will find there are many references to the drinking of gin. This, I have assumed, is the untold secret to her success.

I can now confirm that gin has improved my performance. Luckily it was not in driving and unfortunately it was not my shooting that has improved. It has , however, temporarily made the world seem a much better place! Hic!  :sarcastic:

Edit: Sorry spelt temporarily incorrectly. Ooops! Must be the gin.

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if we are equal then Ian how about us having everything mixed eg all athletics, men and women's rugby don't really need to say any more! Men are normally stronger and more talented when it comes to sport!! IMHO!! And women are so much better in most aspects of life !!!!
paul I did refer to shooting specifically and then mentioned "one of many sports" but I accept that there are areas that most women would be at a disadvantage, such as not being daft enough to run atound in the mud fighting for a funny shaped ball or lifting heavy things. They seem to have better things to do :)

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Moore K-80 said:
I am up for that but i think it would drive women out of sport altogether as they would not be competitive. If there was no Ladies class it would be a rare day that a woman picked up a high gun. I know you shoot Helice Nicola and perhaps Dionne Rogers may be an exception but Helice has such a small following it's hard to include it. If sports all became mixed sex they would be totally dominated by the Men, sorry but true story.
I shoot anything matey and in fact Helice less and less because I do not like the softened up new game. Even do a bit of sporting and picked up a bit of money this class of course against the men (not in ladies)....

.....just saying :wink:

The ground breaking design may not be where the profit comes from. The savvy marketing to attract more ladies is the area to be addressed. I'm not brave enough to call my wife odd shaped.
This is pretty much what I have been saying. 

Went shooting today, in the rain, absolutely diabolical weather, must be mad. My little 5ft 2in wife wiped the floor with me, I had enough half way round let's go home love i'm froozen. No chance we stayed the course she outshot me. I still got to clean the guns though, but she did cook dinner. A shooter is a shooter gender got jack sh*t to do with it.

Moore K-80 said:
Fair play Nicola well done. What ground did you win your money at for the sporting and how many birds behind the high gun score were you? Just trying to get an idea of performance differences.
I dont bother about that stuff...I just have a little smile when handed the little brown envelope. It was posted on FB though :wink:
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Moore K-80 said:
Oh well fair enough. I thought how you like everything to be spot on you would have remembered where it was especially as it doesn't look like it happens very often.
Hahaha..... My pals have told me to inform you that.....

I beat the men regularly.....all over the world.....but they are not really sure I need to prove it to you....??

Hahaha they think that you are joking and tha the are soooooo funny. Thank you. You have just made us laugh.....(that is me, the Italian, the Spanish and the French that I am dining with).

Moore K-80 said:
Pal is plural, I take it that's shootinguru. You really don't need to show off Nicola we all know you head the rich list, so you don't have to turn your knickers inside out when they are soiled, I am happy for you. Anyway you never did say where you won the money for the sporting?
I am having real trouble translating this one. Guru is not out here in Spain though....I have not seen him for years.

I am no where near the rich list (but they understood that one and were quite impressed).....but I lost them on the translation of the knickers....hahahahaha to go....we are on puddings now.....may check back later :laugh:

After years and years of people (generally speaking) failing to get it right and actually make a decent Sporter just for lady shooters CG has launched a new brand called Syren. They are already working on prototypes utilising feedback from shooters on both sides of the Atlantic. Stock dimesnions weights etc are expected to be tailored to match the female form while aesthetics should also be a bit different from the norm, though they dont intend just spraying the gun pink!!! The gun will be the first of its kind from any manufacturer to go into full production and will initially offer one grade of gun in 12, 20 and 28 gauge with barrel lengths of 28,30 and 32 inch.

Whether you like CG or not this is a real step forward in terms of making life easier for Ladies to get involved without having to get guns altered to suit etc etc.....
Are they just Sporters or are they also going to offer a Trap model? I'd like my wife to try a Trap demo if they have one.
