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If you read through a lot of posts on here the general consensus is that the class system doesn't work and is not a true reflection of peoples shooting ability, that being the case why would anybody feel any pride or achievement in winning in a system that is flawed, or more importantly "winning"  money.
The classification system is perhaps not perfect and yes there are several possibilities for improvement but it generally works. You may not get any satisfaction from a trophy in C class but I am happy to have C, B and A class plastic trophies to show my advance up the ranks over the past couple of years. Yes I occasionally enter the club scratch cash class but usually stay in the trophy class simply because i don't mind paying for the round of drinks afterwards and it remains fun to shoot with the group of mates I usually shoot with. When I see all the club hot shots around the coffee machine before the shoot ........ I go trophy class.

You need to read Freakonomics, it is basic human nature to modify ones own behaviour to acheive the most rewarding result. If the average Joe has NO chance of beating George in a registered comp............he won't even bother.

You need to read Freakonomics, it is basic human nature to modify ones own behaviour to acheive the most rewarding result. If the average Joe has NO chance of beating George in a registered comp............he won't even bother.
He turned up at an open shoot last Sunday and took high gun.  There was muttering amongst the regulars, but it would have been even worse if they hadn't been paying class prizes as well.


not sure i agree with the last sentence. Most shoot for fun, if and its a big if you shoot well and win then that's a bonus. Furthermore I believe most of us are happy to shoot a score that we consider good for us and don't really bother about the next blokes score or indeed a few quid or recognition that your score in whatever class was better than some others in same class as the reality is unless your in top five ish your just another also ran. Sixth or sixtieth you still didn't win !!! Better luck next time ?

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I am glad the likes of Mark Winser, and all the great young shots we have coming on haven't read that book, as perhaps they wouldn't bother.

I don't understand why the classification can't be continually updated. 

Golf handicaps change round per round. If you improve rapidly then your handicap falls.

The CPSA are collecting all the scores so should be capable of doing it.

I am glad the likes of Mark Winser, and all the great young shots we have coming on haven't read that book, as perhaps they wouldn't bother.
Not quite the same thing Chris. 

I don't understand why the classification can't be continually updated. 

Golf handicaps change round per round. If you improve rapidly then your handicap falls.

The CPSA are collecting all the scores so should be capable of doing it.
I suspect that the CPSA would love to do something along those lines........

Whether the class system works or needs a rebuild the fact remains it rewards mediocrity and could likely feed a stagnant mindset. 

In the old days when reg shoots were few and far between your only real choice for a dose of comp fix was the various Sunday straw balers and charity shoots, these invariably only paid down 3 places and were absolutely packed.

Whether the class system works or needs a rebuild the fact remains it rewards mediocrity and could likely feed a stagnant mindset. 
exactly, set off for a C class score and thats what you will attain ?

exactly, set off for a C class score and thats what you will attain ?
I'm not sure that may be a common attitude.  I don't think I know anyone at any level that shoots for class average 'cept for a couple baggers.  I think most folks try their best regardless of class.  Which, all in all, is why the standard class systems are bogus.

JMO of course

Not quite the same thing Chris. 

I suspect that the CPSA would love to do something along those lines........
Yeah, your probably right that is the wrong analogy, What I mean is to get better you must strive to win, not come 17th or 20th.

I'm not sure that may be a common attitude.  I don't think I know anyone at any level that shoots for class average 'cept for a couple baggers.  I think most folks try their best regardless of class.  Which, all in all, is why the standard class systems are bogus.

JMO of course
you may think that but (I think I speak for Chris as well) our point is subconsciously you restrain yourself. I know for a fact that on at least three occasions that I have really excelled and high gunned, for whatever reason "I knew" I would win. The reasons that I am unable to replicate this on a regular basis I have no idea but wish I did. Maybe even though my thoughts on classification are well documented I too fall into the subconscious B class is all I am good for trap. Furthermore one notable win i can recall was scratch and at least two other reasonably notable high guns were scratch. Go figure !!!

I have noted from many top competitive shooters a high degree of confidence verging on arrogance with there demeanor before and during a comp. That bloke or indeed lady knows they are going to shoot well and of course success breeds success.

I suppose that people constrain themselves in any number of ways and "I'm not worthy" may well be one of them.  As to it's prevalence or even commonness  I would be dubious.   But that may just be me .............

The local 100 bird open shoot last Sunday was also open for practice on Monday.  I shot it then and was delighted that I would have won C class with the score I got.  Doesn't bother me in the slightest that I didn't do it the day before and win a prize.  Just knowing I'm shooting well (for me) with a gun I've only had for two weeks was enough to make me grin.

If you look at the scores at that shoot Wes it was a bit soft to say the least :angel:
You won't get a rise out of me.  Just go see where that C is sitting in the list.

and the Colt just below in the list in C is going straight to A next time round as his average already sits comfortably in A averages. 

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