Anyone used Cheryl Hall for coaching?

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2023
A friend of mine recommended her to me, and I’m looking to book some time with here in January.

Just looking for some feedback.
IIRC Sian has spent time with Cheryl too. She is indeed a lovely lady and I've heard nothing but good feedback about her coaching.

A few years ago I was reffing one cold drizzly winter day and I was struggling to separate the damp score cards with wet fingers. Cheryl's hand reached past and just slid the top card off for me. Brilliant.

Bear in mind she's a multiple world champion and at the same time one of the most courteous and well mannered competitors I've ever come across.
My experience of her as a person too - Ended up on my own in a 'squad' front of her at Honesburie (and behind Paul Bachelor just after he had won the Open) and it was smiles all round and the only pressure was from me. My daughter may have lessons next year and everything I hear puts Cheryl at the top of the list.
Can’t recommend her highly enough, she will pick up you strengths and weaknesses
Yes I have. This year was interrupted by too much work but next year I’ll get back into it. I like her approach and she is very good.

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