AGL Registered next Friday

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2013
East Sussex
I noticed on Atkins Grant and Langs website that they are a fibre wad only site.  Is that the case for their Registered shoots as well?  

Might be able to get up there this Friday and want to make sure I've got the right stuff with me.

Yes, Reg but fibre. It's amazing how nobody bleats when everybody is using them actually. (And I'm not a fibre fan). See you there!

I'm not good enough to notice any difference between fibre and plastic so it makes no odds to me ( I just use plastics where possible because they're cheaper).  If I make it I shall probably come bearing Express Power Reds.  You'll know if I'm there by the noise. I've had people saying they make their teeth rattle from 20 yards away.

If it's gusty, it's a lottery. If it's a constant wind then it can be good as long as the course setter has allowed for it; speed and direction are forecasted; or indeed set up in it. I recall a hugely windy shoot at Hornet where the clays were fine.

Will getting the excuses primed already...some of the top boys will still hammer in a big score, wind or no wind!!! :p

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Don't think I said the wind would only be blowing when I shot. It is likely to affect everybody, so same for all and therefore it is no basis for me to blame my performance relative to others, clearly. 

Oh, I tell you what does happen only to me lately though. When I go shooting, about 10 people say to me "who is this nasty idiot stalking you on Shootclay and what's his problem". PMSL


Will, you are far too sensitive...I will stop pulling your leg, that was NOT a dig!?!? Jezzzo, I even went back and inserted one of those smilies that don't seem to play ball with an iPhone.

...but, normally even in gusty winds, one of the top guy's will hammer a huge score in!!!

Does that mean you'll be venturing down south JJ to 'hammer a huge score' ?
I shoot in England 4-5 shoots a year, English open, British open, the classic, even an England selection shoot...most of the stuff I travel to shoot is generally regarded to be on the trickier side, I've never shot all that well down there...but when you average ONLY my scores registered shot in England (that don't count towards my Scottish average) I'd be AA. 

I haven't shot at any of the grounds or at any shoot down there where there are a heap of guys in the mid-high 90's or where B class is getting won on 90+

If it's gusty, it's a lottery. If it's a constant wind then it can be good as long as the course setter has allowed for it; speed and direction are forecasted; or indeed set up in it. I recall a hugely windy shoot at Hornet where the clays were fine.
Also - that unicycle will be much tougher in the wind... 

One day I'll get to see you in the flesh and not just read your lively words on Facebook and this forum. I was beginning to think you were scared of us Southerners ?

Jane - he's a rosy-cheeked, massive-softy - not at all like his curmudgeonly words come across...  I haven't seen him for a while, but next time - he's getting a massive kiss and a hug. 


I know - I'm just teasing, but if I see you hugging and kissing a man I won't bat an eyelid x
