Fibres or plastics?

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 So is it correct that because three or more Nations live in squalor , we need to do the same ? Surely we should lead by example !

I note no one answered my question , Are fibre wadded cartridges effective at 70 yards plus  on High Pheasants?


 So is it correct that because three or more Nations live in squalor , we need to do the same ? Surely we should lead by example !

I note no one answered my question , Are fibre wadded cartridges effective at 70 yards plus  on High Pheasants?
Africa and Asia are not nations 😏  have you been all over both continents to be able to pass the "squalor" judgement ? There is squalor right in front of our own eyes in most cities including London but which we chose to walk past and victim blame. 

What people pushing the fibre agenda forget to talk about is the LEAD shot that will continue to be spread around the countryside with near zero chance of being retrievable, at least with plastic wads they can be collected if they cause a particular problem somewhere. 

Will a fibre wadded shell kill a pheasant at 70 yards ? Providing several other factors such as density, adequate shot size (thus kinetic energy) and accuracy are maintained then why not, it is bordering on max range though. 


 So is it correct that because three or more Nations live in squalor , we need to do the same ? Surely we should lead by example !

I note no one answered my question , Are fibre wadded cartridges effective at 70 yards plus  on High Pheasants?
Continents not nations and examples have to be visible to be worthwhile,unlikely anybody in these continents is likely to "learn" from our example as they will never see or hear of it.

So some plastic wads equate to "the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect." i don't think so!

The problem is they are living in poverty and the last thing on their mind is rubbish,its mostly survival water/food for the majority of the populations.

And i am sure some 36g 4/5  shot in fibre will take down the pheasants though its not my thing...though spraying plastic wads randomly across the countryside vs mostly within a restricted area "clay shooting" i see as 2 vastly different things.

Thank you Gentlemen , perhaps now we are getting somewhere ?

I was told last week by a man who shoots a lot of big days at pheasants , " that it was a pleasure to be in the company of a good team who killed 560 without using any of that fibre rubbish , which won't kill pheasants reliably at 70 yards." I replied "surely 3/4 choke 36gram 4's will ?" His reply ? " Rubbish "

I must state that personally I don't have a real issue with plastic cartridges and wads at clayshoots , providing we are all tidy and use the bins and the ground occassionally 'harvest' the wads . But I also think fibre wads are very good and I use exclusively for all my Game shooting , and I pick up my cases.

Thank you Gentlemen , perhaps now we are getting somewhere ?

I was told last week by a man who shoots a lot of big days at pheasants , " that it was a pleasure to be in the company of a good team who killed 560 without using any of that fibre rubbish , which won't kill pheasants reliably at 70 yards." I replied "surely 3/4 choke 36gram 4's will ?" His reply ? " Rubbish "

I must state that personally I don't have a real issue with plastic cartridges and wads at clayshoots , providing we are all tidy and use the bins and the ground occassionally 'harvest' the wads . But I also think fibre wads are very good and I use exclusively for all my Game shooting , and I pick up my cases.
I imagine the man you quote as overbearing,pompous having no care for the world at all.

looking somewhat like Billy Bunter in his tweeds while trailing 50's behind him as he proceeds to shoot anything that moves for several grand a day!
