Ignoring doctors fee?

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This old chestnut..... Doctors are self employed and have a contract with the nhs that defines what services they provide..... SGC applications medical letters are not covered by this contract. Just the same as pilot or scuba licence applications.

if you can afford to shoot you can afford the letter.... you wouldn’t do your job for free so why expect doctors to?
Blimey.. so she’s making a bit of extra money on the side using resources & facilities that I’ve already paid for? It’s worse than I thought then!

You’re  right , It should be pretty simple Wonko , but let’s just look a Shotguns as they are by far the largest group of weapons in the U.K. that need certification . There are something in the region of 550, 000 shotgun licences issued in the U.K. The two major shooting organisations:  BASC around 150,000 members , CPSA and other home nation Clay associations around 30,000 members .  There are a few other organisations for gamekeepers etc , but on the face of it only a third of U.K. shotgunners are in an organisation that represents them . Numbers mean political clout , and we’ve  not got a whole lot , only 1 in 3 certificate holders are members of the two biggest organisations. 

As an afterthought , More worryingly that means a greater proportion of shotgunners could be shooting without any liability insurance cover, or  quick access to firearms legal advice .  ( although before anyone tells me off, I do realise there are other ways to get shooting liability insurance, through direct policies , employers etc .  ) 
IIRC Nicola was crusading for a more responsible organization and met with some resistance in the form of complacency.  If the existing membership does not involve itself in creating an organization that actually serves them then the likelihood of attracting a larger membership would seem difficult as well.  Preaching to the choir on forums such as this I would suspect accomplishes little to nothing.  I know from experience that activating a complacent membership can be a challenge - it would appear that your org membership has already accepted their status as yet to be discovered criminals and are in hiding.

You have my sympathies 

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Lazy overpaid b*****d doctors didn’t do the report - got a letter from the cops this morning. Took my money in March tho didn’t they oh yes.

If I have to spend all Monday in the doctors I will  but either the practice manager the admin staff or the actual doctor herself will explain to me why. 

Piss taking b*******s

Lazy overpaid b*****d doctors didn’t do the report - got a letter from the cops this morning. Took my money in March tho didn’t they oh yes.

If I have to spend all Monday in the doctors I will  but either the practice manager the admin staff or the actual doctor herself will explain to me why. 

Piss taking b*******s
You should have ignored GP request for money

I had a letter from the doctors dated the 1st May. Luckily I'm in a position where I took the option to renew a year early, so can hold out for a while yet to see what happens. 

I had a letter from the doctors dated the 1st May. Luckily I'm in a position where I took the option to renew a year early, so can hold out for a while yet to see what happens. 
If GP does not respond to feo request for info then feo assumes there is nothing for the GP to tell them. If there was an issue with your medical records GP would have a duty to inform them otherwise presumably it would come back on them as negligent. GP wanting payment to fill a form in that you did not request (the feo did) is merely a money making scam

If GP does not respond to feo request for info then feo assumes there is nothing for the GP to tell them. If there was an issue with your medical records GP would have a duty to inform them otherwise presumably it would come back on them as negligent. GP wanting payment to fill a form in that you did not request (the feo did) is merely a money making scam
That's why I'm in no hurry to pay the doctor. Some reports are saying, some forces won't issue unless they get a response from the doc.

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nor saying the cert is a bad thing but the de-facto legislation of gun control regulations by non-elected officials is odious in the extreme
Not quite sure how it works in the US now Charlie BUT back in the day could you imagine a situation where someone was denied the right to own any sort of firearm? Eh how the love am I going to feed the family and protect livestock my house and family... dare say it is still the same today in parts of the US... especially downtown LA 😅

I have to have the back of my shooting license signed and stamped by my GP every year or I cannot shoot the cost is not high though at €25.  However this is a GP giving an opinion about someone they do not really know who could be hiding mental health issues. I had a real laugh when I visited the first time the doc says you are not a nutter are you ? I said no... good he said I had to visit a house where the gun owner had topped himself with his shotgun.. what a F'n mess don't want to have to go through that again... sign, stamp have a nice day😄

I haven't heard or read such reports
Well, Merseyside have jumped on the band wagon too  !  I read that the West Mids. Crime Commissioner is asking for a dramatic increase in Certificate fees too, to cover the FULL Police costs  of issuing.  Maybe if ALL Forces were to adopt 'on line' renewals and save all of the completely unnecessary visits, to view something that they have already seen. That in itself would be a huge saving  ?

That's why I'm in no hurry to pay the doctor. Some reports are saying, some forces won't issue unless they get a response from the doc.
 Ring your FEO , and ask them outright what their actions will be . The Guys at West Yorks read the letter out which they send to the doc. It ends with if we haven’t heard from you in 28 days we’ll assume everything is O.K.  

Having said that , if your force has a different policy you’ll be snookered if you don’t cough up . 

I’ve always found FEOs are really helpful and it’s better getting it from the horse’s mouth than forum consensus. 

Well, Merseyside have jumped on the band wagon too  !  I read that the West Mids. Crime Commissioner is asking for a dramatic increase in Certificate fees too, to cover the FULL Police costs  of issuing.  Maybe if ALL Forces were to adopt 'on line' renewals and save all of the completely unnecessary visits, to view something that they have already seen. That in itself would be a huge saving  ?
The first step should be 10 year renewals , with an immediate 10 year renewal at any “ inspection  event “ such as moving house . 

You should have ignored GP request for money
Well unfortunately the police don’t worry about HO guidelines and won’t issue a licence on the basis of getting no reply from the doctors within a certain period so I had no choice. 

Anyway, following a session at the doctors and the cooperation of the police things are moving swiftly now. 

Well unfortunately the police don’t worry about HO guidelines and won’t issue a licence on the basis of getting no reply from the doctors within a certain period so I had no choice. 

Anyway, following a session at the doctors and the cooperation of the police things are moving swiftly now. 
That's fare enough 👍
