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I went a couple of years ago for my golf. I had previously had several bad years and considered packing it in, until I met a guy that lived in the same village who is a psychologist.
To cut what looks likely to be a long storey short, he talks to people to promote positive thinking, like people with serious health problems to smokers and sports people.

As I was saying my handicap went up to 17, within 18 months i reduced it by 6 shots and won severalcompetitions,It was all down to being positive and practice.
I am sure shooting can work the same, though they usually need the person to describe what's going wrong and why and how your missing, if they have the feedback they can fix it.

I guess all pro sportspeople have someone that does this.

It did work for me to stop smoking. The subject fascinated me and I spent some time afterwards studying it.

From my understanding though, such as the non-smoking thing, a subject would need to WANT to stop smoking in the first place. Hypnosis is not some kind of miracle cure and it is quite normal for anybody to still fancy a cigarette immediately after a session, so some level of wanting to do it with a bit of willpower is still needed at first.

But I found that as each day passed by I actually thought about smoking less and less until not thinking about it at all. Now seven years later I even enjoy being in the company of smokers but simply not tempted to try again.

Weird huh ?

Anyway, obviously Mark may be able to confirm from his missus, but from what I understand MOST people can be hypnotised and it is often those who believe they can't be that can be the easiest to deal with. Many people claim to have never been hypnotised because, quite simply, it never feels like you have been, and it is a much different experience to what people expect !

Its certainly nothing to be wary of, and is VERY relaxing.

I'm sure it could help shooters in a number of ways. The only way it can ever be harmful . . . . . . . . is to your wallet :eek:
Hi it's marks wife, yes I can confirm what you have said, although every person can be hypnotised except for those with an extremely low IQ! I absolutely promise that every person has been hypnotised, it is just a high state of relaxation and complete concentration and focus upon 1 thing (the hypnotist voice)

The drivers among us will recognise this 1, ur driving on a familiar route and u start day dreaming suddenly u become alert again and realise that although u can remember what u were thinkin u cannot remember the journey u hav just taken! This is because ur so focused on ur thoughts your conscious mind has allowed ur sub conscious to be opened! The conscious mind stands aside on call if u like, should something happen that u need to be aware of it snaps u straight out of hypnosis to deal with the threat! Another perfect example is when u r watching something on tv, some1 has to call u 2 or 3 times before u hear them, it is because u r hypnotised! Just remember it is a totally natural state of mind that happens on a regular basis, nothin to fear at all! I say it will help with shooting because as a shooter myself I know that we all want to be better but we cannot all believe in ourselves and our ability hypnosis will help u achieve what you really want and if u really want to get better it will help you to believe you can!

Isn't the driving thing more often referred to as a "microsleep" ?

Isn't the driving thing more often referred to as a "microsleep" ?
call it what ya like, whatever you call it the result is the same! u are in a partial state of conciousness, the partial state of conciousness is what allows suggestion to be so effective. the concious mind is your filter and it is cynical and will reject what it doesn't believe to be true. the sub concious will believe anything you tell it! why does a child believe anything you tell it ?? because we have no concious mind before the age of seven, almost every phobia and fear starts before this age and is so easy to install in a small child..... now there's a scary thought for ya !!!

Very dangerous, we touched on microsleeps in a cpc course I did. Probably the biggest cause of motorway smashes.
