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golf is weird, walk miles,, spend a fortune,, hit the ball as few times as you can,, the less you hit, the better you are ? well, clay shooting seems to be the other end of the spectrum,, :biggrin: same skill, different need.
golf is a lot cheaper than shooting, unless you you don't shoot much. Decent set of golf clubs are about £500-600. Annual membership (7 days per week) where I live is about £650. Once you have the kit and membership, the more you play, the cheaper it is unlike shooting...

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Then there's the balls.....

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Then there's the balls..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
as we so far off Shaun's OP, :hunter:  whats the price of golf balls? I would need at least 2 0r 3 for 18 holes, ! add that in, ?

haha,,  I only tried golf a few times ,so ignore my comments! I like watching  golf on tv tho!

jim I love the fluffy rabbits mate!! But I've played both to an ok standard. If you add in the trips abroad, the 19th hole, it might become a bit closer in cost!

I tried I was rubbish and it frustrated me and the golf fashion is terrible and golf club bars are full of .... well golfers :)

Contrary to popular belief pink Pringles and tartan trousers aren't actually mandatory.
haven`t seen Breeks,  ties ,or plus fours at a clay shoot recently either !  a few that looked like pig farmer types, or anglers :biggrin:  , good bunch tho !a bit relaxed down  here in sussex !

I tried I was rubbish and it frustrated me and the golf fashion is terrible and golf club bars are full of .... well golfers :)
Now I would have thought, with their attire, that trap Shooters would fit right in there?

Or are you referring to the sipping of Pimms and lemonade? :sarcastic:

Tinker bell said:
Well they are not at 26,000 that is for sure.

There seems to be some doubt at the moment ....ask Mr Simpson (director).
just shy of 24,000 was the reply.

does seem a bit abysmal considering the amount of people who shoot clays.

the general opinion amongst the many shooters i have asked over time seems to be are you having a laugh/why waste my money.

golf...tried it....more erratic than my shooting.

managed to get a second shot to bounce in the car park and over clubhouse onto the driving range !!

best ever drive..just in the wrong place,bit l.ike my shot :sarcastic:

I see Harrison Ford has failed to replace his divots after his recent visit to a golf course!  :fie:

:fie:  How many freaking dimples has a golf ball got and is there any limit on the number? :fie:   :fie:

:fie: How many freaking dimples has a golf ball got and is there any limit on the number? :fie: :fie:
336 is the most common number but anything from 300 to 500.

Only limited by the size of the ball and how many you can physically get on there.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

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