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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2012
I am trying to find some chokes I saw on someones gun the other day..

They were extended ones, black with a gold band round them.

Anyone any idea ?

Not changing from my 1/4-1/4 setup, just feel like being a bit of a gun tart..

It matches my black/gold action :)


I am trying to find some chokes I saw on someones gun the other day..

They were extended ones, black with a gold band round them.

Anyone any idea ?

Not changing from my 1/4-1/4 setup, just feel like being a bit of a gun tart..

It matches my black/gold action :)

Possibly the most valid reason for choice of choke I've ever heard! (No smilie; I'm serious)

Wez, the gold band will denote the choke constriction, so they may not be what you want. They may be skeet or super full..

Have a look on the PSHQ Europe website Wez, they have a massive selection of chokes with pictures and details . I've ordered from them before and they are spot on for service.

Possibly the chokes you saw were standard Browning Ultra chokes????

So, 1/4 = Improved Cylinder ?

That has a Gold Band if it is the right type.


yep 1/4 is IC, can conform the Browning ultra chokes have a gold band for every size, you could go real snazzy and have some Muller U2's and colour in the white bits with a nice gold pen! :crazy:

Which all have a gold band as do the titanium chokes fitted to the Ultra XS Prestige and Ultra XTR Prestige.



MMmmm, makes you wonder how we went on with fixed chokes for 150 years.

 Phil, some of us still get on just fine with fixed chokes, but I think I will have to get some stick on glittery choke ends or something, just to be in vogue sweetie! :wub:

I am sure multi chokes must be a great help for sporting but personally as a trap shooter and a tradisionalist I hate the darned things give me fixed 3/4 and full. As angelfire says how did we manage without for all those years ??

i shoot sporting and use a trap mk38, love it to bits see no point in putting anything else in to fiddle with. Just learn to shoot better . :)

I use 3/4 and Full to practice so I can get some feedback about where I'm hitting them, then open out to 3/8 & 3/8 for reg comp to boost confidence, I like fixed choke guns, but when I was looking for a new gun and the XS came up at right money I paid up! Multi or fixed wasn't the deciding factor for me, solid gun at the right money was, do like having the option to adjust now though
