Who's where this Sunday?

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Brilliant, the secret to the success of this mission is timing, oh and planning well planning the timing really.  Split second timing though non of your usual "about twenty to ten" or round about nine thirty" 

No this needs atomic clock timing, on the button, right on the nose.  I estimate that as long as our vehicles are closer than 10.45 metres to each other, the temperature is in the range 0 to 15 deg C, wind speed below 19 kph and light levels at +/- 15% of the seasonal norm, we can complete the swap over in less than 1 minute 10.5 seconds. 

I propose a meeting time of 09:27 exactly and I respectfully suggest, knowing your legendary slapdash approach to timekeeping, that you set off no later than 22:05 the previous evening.  I propose this departure time based on the fact that very very few John Deere's are on the road at that time of night thereby reducing the risk of a non appearance considerably.  I look forward to your response and, I suspect, counter proposal.

Mr Potter

PS What day is it, this Sunday or a week on Sunday?
I can't possibly make an 09:27 meet, I live 10 minutes away from Worsley dammit <_<

It'll have to be 09:28.

And that's this Sunday - sharp.....

I can't possibly make an 09:27 meet, I live 10 minutes away from Worsley dammit <_<

It'll have to be 09:28.

And that's this Sunday - sharp.....
****  **** **** You've got me over a barrel here Chard (in a non sexual way of course), tell you what, I'll go for it.  I'll slow down to the legal limit on the M62 going so I don't arrive too early and if I speed piss before I leave Worsley I can make that minute back up so as not to be late for Catton.

See you on Saturday

Mr Potter

PS You'll have no trouble recognising me, I'll be wrapped up warm, wearing a shooting jacket and carrying a gun. 

****  **** **** You've got me over a barrel here Chard (in a non sexual way of course), tell you what, I'll go for it.  I'll slow down to the legal limit on the M62 going so I don't arrive too early and if I speed piss before I leave Worsley I can make that minute back up so as not to be late for Catton.

See you on Saturday

Mr Potter

PS You'll have no trouble recognising me, I'll be wrapped up warm, wearing a shooting jacket and carrying a gun. 
Is that a 20g you're carrying? Because these have "Gamebore Tartcarts 20g" printed on them........

Is that a 20g you're carrying? Because these have "Gamebore Tartcarts 20g" printed on them........
No, a 20 bore is a only for a big girls blouse, the boy can use those.

I'll be there with my trusty 15b using 25.45g, size 7.825 with 6.25% anthony lead shot.  These will be in a 69mm pale blue plastic case with a 52mm deep pure copper head and an 11 star crimp.  The plaswads are hand cut by licensed dwarves and the shot load is buffered by derilium dust ground to a proven fineness of less than 3 micron. Can't remember who makes them to be honest but any decent gunshop will stock them, think they are made in Bulgaria or somewhere near there.

The gun is an __________, hand made of course, 33.6 inch barrels, fully floating with a reverse tapered cross cut rib, NO CENTRE BEAD but parallel unidots at the front in contrasting colours.  The steel for the barrels is hand smelted from scrap Lancaster bombers whilst the action is machine smelted from scrapped Austin Allegros.  I won't bore you with details of the action and trigger, well I can't to be more accurate as it's still covered by the Official Secrets Act.  Stock,  mid and end forends are, as you would expect, hand machined from the wood of the Mary Rose, looks beautiful but stinks of fish.

I didn't buy this (do you think I'm made of money) it was bequeathed to me by my ex wife's ex milkman, Roger, nice bloke but couldn't stay awake after 3 in the afternoon.

This unexpected legacy came out of the blue and I couldn't believe my ears when the legal practitioner read out the will.  This was my dream gun & cartridge combination, I had spent half my adult life (well since the interweb had been invented) trawling the murky world of internet shooting forums listening (well reading actually) to the sage advice so freely give by those u/c, C and occasionally B class shooters who had taken the time to read every publication, watch every DVD, buy every gun, pattern every cartridge.  I felt a bit guilty, letting those thousands of unsung heroes do all the work, lavish all that money and spend tens of thousands of hours posting on the above mentioned but nameless, forums for me to just waltz in and configure the gun that was guaranteed to win, 100% certain High Gun at every shoot, name in magazines, sponsors throwing themselves at your feet.

Thought I'd better double check the British finding so entered the world of the nerds and joined the multitude of North American forums.  Boy what an eye opener, they had really notched it up a level and were using science, science for God's sake, physics, mathematics, ballistics, chemistry in their quest for perfection. 

There was a problem, the UK and the North American forums clashed, art verses science etc.  Came down on the side of art in the end when I realised that with my current gun & cartridge combo according to the boys cross the pond my scores should be in the low teens per hundred, perhaps 15 if the targets were all closer than 8 metres.  I knew this couldn't be right as I was regularly hitting 2 even 3 times this amount and some of those hits were an eye watering 50 metres distant.

So UK forums it was, set about creating the world's 14th largest spreadsheet that plotted every known parameter of gun and cartridge all weighted against the experience, class, gender and age of the shooter or supplier of the information.

Et voilà, the gun described above was created but was unaffordable by all except those on long term benefits and double carers allowance.  That's how the milkman got it, how and why he left it to me will be revealed in 2112 under the 100 year secrecy rule (three weeks after we find what really went on at Dartford!)

Does it work, well it's got me from un-classified to AA in less than 30 years so I think that stat speaks for itself.

So that's the gun I'll be carrying on Monday well unless I read something on an internet forum between now and the gunshops closing on Saturday.

Mr Potter 

was actually at st dials 2day on the pigeons tis very muddy there but targets will be fine, yes would be the crack sat if you fancy it BUT chipper will be buying 2 bounties then :)
chipper will be back Clynto now finished 12hr nights :) you better get some practice with the F3,, I will have bacon egg sandwich

well Mr Potter that has made I laugh  ;)  did you forget to mention you have been having lessons with Robin Hood, William Tell and God him self .

Did you work for Jackanory Mr Potter :D   

If its dry St Dials xmas shoot but think I best take my mud boots  :lol:

Not planning on going out but if weather is ok might go Orston and do the 100 and have a pop at the double rise accumulator....

Booker prize 2013 winging its way to you Mr Potter a true literacy giant in the land of literacy midgets :???:

Got Xmas with the Adams family, I mean outlaws, I mean lovely inlaws on Saturday arvo but head and weather dependant it will be westfield for me too. High possibility of not making it though, gonna take a lot of booze to survive Saturday :.:

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