What do you do *Extreme Beginner Question*

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autos are very safe, in fact all this B------KS talked about autos being unsafe is mainly from people who have never shot them or used them on a regular basis

if the breech is open and a flag is in the barrel then it is safer than any o/u closed and stuck in a gun slip !!!

"This is the way we remove a gun safely from its slip" It wasn't damn safe before it came out was it. :huh:

David, see my edited post above. This thread has meandered into gun-safety, which is not what we were discussing. (Agreed, a s/a with a flag is the safest of all).

David B: I was pointing out that autos are safer than O/Us

Truce Clever - Salopian speaks highly of you and I know you are familiar with all the above.


No truce for you Clever!!! you have declared war on autos this is now serious !!!!! they are not nasty they are bloody good bits of kit ,unlike that paparazzi piece of pimped up wood and metal you keep in an unsafe fashion in a grotty gunslip !

Get your own bloody breakfast on Sunday !!!

Surely a person who chooses Perazzi + Clever cartridges can't be all bad.

One does not carry one's gun. What in heaven's name are staff for. :smile: :smile: :smile:

Sporting, in a slip, due to possibility of incoming shards of clay.

Trap, open on the rack.

Auto, breech open, flag or auto safe clearly displayed, breech facing away from carrier.

Hammer gun, hammers down breech open.

Knife in sheath.

Bow unstrung.

One does not carry one's gun. What in heaven's name are staff for.
Sporting, in a slip, due to possibility of incoming shards of clay.

Trap, open on the rack.

Auto, breech open, flag or auto safe clearly displayed, breech facing away from carrier.

Hammer gun, hammers down breech open.

Knife in sheath.

Bow unstrung.

And in your case Wallet Unopened :))

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Haha :.: :.:

How the peasants have become revolting since New Labour.

Get back to the sink Plumber.


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