What did you do today that’s shooting related?

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Took the stock off my Blaser, ready to send it away tomorrow for a modified comb profile. Adjustable stock being fitted, but only really to get the new comb back to the line it is now.. 

I fully expect my CPSA average to advance by 0.1 clays over the next year if all goes well. 😀

I will get my trusty Perazzi out of the cabinet for a few shoots while the B is away, so please don’t laugh if I’m worse than usual. 

Took the stock off my Blaser, ready to send it away tomorrow for a modified comb profile. Adjustable stock being fitted, but only really to get the new comb back to the line it is now.. 

I fully expect my CPSA average to advance by 0.1 clays over the next year if all goes well. 😀

I will get my trusty Perazzi out of the cabinet for a few shoots while the B is away, so please don’t laugh if I’m worse than usual. 
You are braver than I.  If my gun has to go away, I'm too scared to shoot my spare in case it messes with my head.

You are braver than I.  If my gun has to go away, I'm too scared to shoot my spare in case it messes with my head.
I also have this fear.. It is narrowly overcome by wanting to shoot. I have chosen a period in which I’m not due to shoot much.. 

Haven’t been to Elland Road since my Dad took me to see Don Revie’s boys ... 
Proper team! I started following them late 70s so missed all that and living nowhere near Leeds I usually only manage a couple of games a year. It’s more of an illness really.. 

Took a trip up to Ian Coley and bought a new Beretta 692 :imsohappy: I had done a bit of homework, it has good reviews, I tried one belonging to a friend few weeks ago and liked it, the deed is done. I had never been to Ian Coley, I tried the gun out on their pay and play setup which is quite impressive, I think I'll be back despite the distance from home.

My initial thoughts are that it is not unlike my old silver pigeon so there is no real culture shock. We measured the stock and the comb dimensions were identical to the Silver Pig (which suits me,) the butt pad was extended to match and we were away. Mechanically the gun is different in a number of ways to the 686 series, e.g. different action, 360mm forcing cones, 18.6 back bore barrels, pretty extended chokes "tart icon", I'm looking forward to giving it some serious use to see if it all makes a ha'porth of difference. . .

Too young for that, but I've seen the videos. Johhny Giles v Burnley... awesome!
Gary Sprake , one butterfinger moment 😂 not too clever . One of the saddest moments was when in the mid seventies I was doing Day Release and Night School at Leeds Poly Business School  . Albert Johannson , who had been one of the first black players to become a household name , was permanently installed in the pubs we went to pre class ., absolutely paralytic . He died in a council flat of alcoholism.  Shame . Nowadays he’d have had mega money and support , not a testimonial and see ya ! 

Sadly, only known in the leeds fraternity, but a bit of a legend at that.

Did a lot for black players in the modern game, and strangely enough another player from Revie's boys is kind of gaining momentum as the first ethnic player for England: Paul Reaney. Unfortunately, it was kept a bit quiet as racism would have leveled him for stick on the terraces in the 60's so although seen as white, he was mixed race. 9 years ahead of Viv Anderson. It's mad that there was a fella called Jack Leslie in the 20's who was called up to the England setup... until they realised he was "a man of colour". He said to Brian Woolnough " they must have forgotten I was a coloured boy"  :afro:  

Anyway, back to guns!  :victory:

Sadly, only known in the leeds fraternity, but a bit of a legend at that.

Did a lot for black players in the modern game, and strangely enough another player from Revie's boys is kind of gaining momentum as the first ethnic player for England: Paul Reaney. Unfortunately, it was kept a bit quiet as racism would have leveled him for stick on the terraces in the 60's so although seen as white, he was mixed race. 9 years ahead of Viv Anderson. It's mad that there was a fella called Jack Leslie in the 20's who was called up to the England setup... until they realised he was "a man of colour". He said to Brian Woolnough " they must have forgotten I was a coloured boy"  :afro:  

Anyway, back to guns!  :victory:
Never even realised Reaney was mixed race, learn something every day on here 👍🏻 

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I met some wonderful people from all over the world, and I have to say, that to a man the Americans are the politest and most appreciative of us referees being out in the field, each and every one shook my hand and thanked me
That is is very kind of you to say that.  I'll take the liberty of thanking you for the note on their behalf.

That is is very kind of you to say that.  I'll take the liberty of thanking you for the note on their behalf.
Agree with wynno, I live near two USAF bases so meet a lot of Americans they’re always polite & respectful, good people 👍🏻 
